Give feedback on alternatives to the 20-kilometre weigh scale reporting requirement

Vehicles that meet certain criteria must report to nearby weigh scales. For example, commercial vehicles must report to a weigh scale if they are within 20 kilometres of it.

The Government of Yukon is looking for new ways to make weigh scale reporting more efficient.

Proposed options

The Government of Yukon has written a white paper about weigh scale reporting requirements. It reviews the current system and suggests 6 new options.

The options specifically cover the reporting requirements when a vehicle enters or exits the 20-kilometre reporting radius.

The 6 options are:

  1. Using different reporting requirements for vehicles transporting goods versus passengers.
  2. Removing the 20-kilometre reporting zone.
  3. Expanding the 20-kilometre reporting zone.
  4. Changing the reporting zone based on important infrastructure.
  5. Using a risk-based policy for reporting within the 20-kilometre zone.
  6. Basing reporting requirements on mileage.

You can learn more in the white paper.

Give feedback

We‘re looking for feedback from industry professionals and the public in the white paper.

Download and read the white paper, and submit your feedback to The deadline to submit your feedback is August 20, 2024.


Have questions about the white paper or the reporting requirement? Contact

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