Carbon price rebate

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Results at a glance

Carbon Rebate Framework (2019)

On January 17, 2019, the Government of Yukon released its draft framework for the Yukon Government Carbon Price Rebate. This proposed framework had been developed in response to feedback received from Yukoners since 2017.

From January 17 to February 4, 2019, the government invited comments from Yukoners on the proposed framework. The results of this engagement were reviewed during the development of legislation that will see all revenues from a federal price on carbon returned to Yukoners.

Download What We Heard - Public input on the Yukon government carbon price rebate: Summary of comments.

  • The survey was open for public input from January 17 to February 4, 2019.
  • The Department of Finance received 30 emails from Yukoners during the engagement period:
    • 11 from individuals representing organizations; and
    • 19 from individual Yukoners.
  • A social media campaign reached 9,894 people, with:
    • 622 clicks on advertisements;
    • 421 clicks on the link to the report;
    • 45 comments; and
  • Comments on social media were often not related to the rebate framework.

We heard:

  • requests for no exemptions or full-rebates to any group;
  • that rebates should not be given and that revenues should instead be directed towards green initiatives and projects;
  • some concern about the impact of carbon pricing, and by extension, the rebate, on business operations;
  • some requests for exemptions and clarification for their industry;
  • one recommendation that utilities pay the carbon levy for fuel used on the primary electrical grid;
  • two recommendations that that charities and non-profit organizations be taken into consideration;
  • that the government mitigate the impacts of the carbon price on the most vulnerable Yukoners;
  • that the remote supplement should be increased.

Carbon Rebate Engagement (2017)

To develop Yukon’s approach to a carbon rebate framework, we asked Yukoners to provide input on how to best return money to Yukoners and Yukon businesses as a rebate. This involved an online engagement between August 16 and September 13, 2017 as well as targeted information sessions in Whitehorse, Haines Junction and Dawson City with representatives from First Nations governments, municipal governments, and business groups. In total, 665 individuals completed the online survey (71.4% Whitehorse, 28.6% other) and more than 40 participants attended the information sessions.

The Yukon government continued conversations with affected groups in Yukon throughout 2018. These conversations informed specific components of the rebate framework.

Download What We Heard: Public Engagement on Carbon Rebate 2017.

  • The survey was open for public input from August 16 to September 13, 2017.
  • Information sessions were held in Whitehorse, Haines Junction and Dawson on August 17 & 18, 2017.
  • We received 665 completed responses to the survey.
    • 71.4% from Whitehorse, 28.6% from other areas; and
    • respondents spanned different demographic groups, with nearly half (44.2%) between 35 and 54 years old.
  • More than 40 participants attended six targeted information sessions with representatives from municipal governments, First Nations, and industry groups.

We heard:

  • that municipal and First Nations governments should also be eligible for the rebate;
  • that many place a value on reducing Yukon’s carbon footprint, and directing at least part of the revenue towards further mitigation efforts in reducing carbon emissions (whether through direct program funding or tax credits), and that a rebate should be “earned” rather than simply handed back;
  • that many (but not all) consider it important to mitigate the impacts of a carbon price on the most vulnerable Yukoners;
  • that many respondents recognize and express concerned about the disproportionate effects of climate change in the north;
  • that some (but not all) strongly disagree with the idea of a carbon price at all; and
  • that opportunities for further public engagement on carbon pricing and the rebate would have value.
What was this engagement about? 

To develop Yukon’s approach to a carbon rebate framework, we asked Yukoners to provide input on how to best return money to Yukoners and Yukon businesses as a rebate. This involved an online engagement between August 16 and September 13, 2017 as well as targeted information sessions in Whitehorse, Haines Junction and Dawson City with representatives from First Nations governments, municipal governments, and business groups. In total, 665 individuals completed the online survey (71.4% Whitehorse, 28.6% other) and more than 40 participants attended the information sessions.

The Yukon government continued conversations with affected groups in Yukon throughout 2018. These conversations informed specific components of the rebate framework.

How will my input make a difference?

Public comments and feedback were reviewed and considered as we worked to finalize a rebate framework for Yukon. It will also inform how we review and assess the framework in future.

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