Ch'ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area Management Plan

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Where can I find results?

Public comments received will be reviewed and considered by the Ch’ihilii Chìk Working Group. Contacts for the working group are:

William Josie
Director, Natural Resources Department
Vuntut Gwitchin Government


Tess McLeod
Fish and Wildlife Planner
Department of Environment
Government of Yukon

What was this engagement about? 

The Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area is situated on the travel route over the mountains between Old Crow and Fort McPherson, close to other well-known areas such as Kaachik (Johnson Creek Village) and LaPierre House. The Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area is approximately 115 km southeast of Old Crow, in the Traditional Territory of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. The area is 468 km2 and encompasses Whitefish Lake and the surrounding wetlands. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Category A Settlement Land account for the majority of the land (358 km2) within the boundary and Yukon public lands makes up the remainder (110 km2).

The Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area Working Group has been working to complete a recommended Management Plan for the Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area. The Working Group included two delegates from Government of Yukon, two delegates from the Vuntut Gwitchin Government and one from the North Yukon Renewable Resources Council.

The draft recommended management plan for the Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area describes important values and provides recommendations to the planning parties (Government of Yukon and Vuntut Gwitchin Government) for the long-term management of the Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area. The ecological and cultural importance of the area to the Vuntut Gwitchin was the key principle driving the working group and this management planning process.

Collaborative management processes for special management areas, like habitat protection areas are outlined in the Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement, First Nation Final Agreements, and respective land use plans. Special Management for Ch’ihilii Chìk was identified in the North Yukon Regional Land Use Land (2009) and the area was identified as Settlement A Land in the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement.

How will my input make a difference?

This engagement is the final opportunity for the public to provide their feedback on the draft plan. The Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Areas Working Group will carefully consider all comments it receives before recommending a final plan to Government of Yukon and the Vuntut Gwitchin Government for signing.

Once the Working Group has reviewed and considered all of the public comments received, the final recommended plan will be submitted to the planning parties (Government of Yukon and Vuntut Gwitchin Government) for final approval. After the management plan is approved, it will be posted online.

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