Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy - draft strategy

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?

This last round of feedback will allow us to make any necessary adjustments before we finalize and release the strategy. We anticipate a final strategy in early 2021 which will launch to coincide with the UN International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021.

Results at a glance

Since May 2019, we have been engaging with individuals and organizations who work in the creative and cultural industries, as well as with members of the public and First Nations and municipal governments, to help develop the strategy.

Phase 1 – spring and summer 2019

Almost 100 people, from across Yukon representing the range of industries, attended the first public engagement session on May 3, 2019.

Phase 2 – fall 2019 to winter 2020

From September to December 2019, we held 35 facilitated public engagement sessions across Yukon. We received over 5,000 comments from approximately 400 participants.

An online survey was open from October 8 to November 30, 2019 and received 133 responses.

The What We Heard report, released in February 2020, provides a summary and broad analysis of the feedback we received during both phases of public engagement, including the online survey.

The report presents 9 key themes and associated information without any prioritization or weighting.

Key themes:

  • Administration and business support
  • Cultural tourism potential
  • Funding
  • Inclusion
  • Internet and digital technologies
  • Products and market access
  • Space
  • Training and education
  • Viability/sustainability
What was this engagement about? 

Working together, the departments of Tourism and Culture, Economic Development, and Education are developing the Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy. Our goal is to develop a multi-year, action-focused strategy, that will guide government’s future programs and supports to advance the creative and cultural industries sector.

To help ensure the strategy will be effective and relevant, we have engaged with individuals and organizations who work in the creative and cultural industries on a number of occasions. Input gathered has helped develop a strategy to support, strengthen and sustain a vibrant creative and cultural industries sector in Yukon.

The strategy also actively considers diversity and inclusivity to ensure that barriers to entering and participating successfully in these industries are identified and addressed.

A working definition of creative and cultural industries is helpful in understanding the scope of this project. Although they are quite diverse, they are essentially all of those industries which generate cultural, artistic or heritage products and content for consumers and marketplaces. This includes writing and publishing, sound recording, visual and applied arts, crafting, film and interactive media, photography, live performance, heritage and libraries. It also includes the labour force and institutions required to support them.

Privacy Notice:

Personal information is being collected under the authority of section 29(c) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for the purpose of participating in the public engagement for the development of a Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy. Do not  include any personally identifiable information in your response. Any personal information inadvertently provided (email address, etc.) will not be shared.

By providing your views or opinions on the document Creative Potential: Advancing Yukon’s Creative Economy, you understand and agree that this information will be shared with the participating Government of Yukon departments (Tourism and Culture, Economic Development, Education and the Women’s Directorate) and that they may be shared publicly to support the actions of the strategy.

For further information contact the Communications Analyst at 867-332-3670, toll free, within Yukon 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8383, at, in person at 100 Hanson Street, Whitehorse, Yukon or in writing to Box 2703 (L-1), Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6.

How will my input make a difference?

Input from those involved in the sector is essential in ensuring we finalize a strategy that is meaningful and will result in real change for the sector. Your feedback will help us to establish priorities and refine the draft strategy.

Where can I find related information?

For more information visit the project website.

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