Output-Based Pricing System rebate engagement 2022

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?

You can find results from this engagement in the What We Heard report.

What was this engagement about? 

We are seeking input from the mining industry and other large industrial facilities that may qualify for inclusion in the federal Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS). 

The OBPS is a federal program for large facilities that provides an alternative to the regular carbon levy. This program is designed to encourage emission reductions while maintaining competitiveness for energy-intensive and trade-exposed industries.

OBPS facilities pay the federal carbon levy if their emissions are above a certain limit. This limit is set by Canada so that the average facility pays the federal carbon levy on about 20 per cent of its emissions. If a facility's emissions are below the limit, it can receive credits that it can use in future years when its emissions are above the limit. It can also sell those credits to other facilities in the OBPS.

Responses will assist in identifying methods for:

  • returning carbon pricing revenues to large industrial facilities; and 
  • will guide the creation of a carbon rebate program that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
How will my input make a difference?

We’ll consider your input as we develop the Output-Based Pricing System carbon rebate program.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

Share your thoughts on the engagement process or request a meeting with government staff by sending an email to carbonrebate@yukon.ca

Where can I find related information?

You can find more information in our discussion document and questions for stakeholders.

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