Peel Watershed Final Recommended Plan

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Where can I find results?

The Government of Yukon, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Gwich’in Tribal Council (the parties) collaborated to finalize, approve and implement the Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan. 

The parties would like to thank everyone in the affected communities for their participation in the consultation, which ran from September 27 to November 19, 2018.

Through community meetings, stakeholder sessions, an online questionnaire, and website, over 2,000 responses were received.

Download the Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan

Results at a glance
  • The Government of Yukon and five First Nations governments signed a letter of understanding on August 1, 2018, to work collaboratively to finish the plan. They worked together, guided by the Final Agreements, the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement and the Supreme Court of Canada to finalize the plan.
  • The plan was produced by a public planning commission through Chapter 11 of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements.
  • The approved plan introduces a new type of landscape management unit named the Wilderness Area-Boreal Caribou. These are areas designated specifically to address Yukon’s obligations under the federal Species at Risk Act to protect boreal caribou habitat.
  • This is the second regional land use plan approved in Yukon. The North Yukon Land Use Plan was approved in 2009. Work on the Dawson Regional Land Use Plan is underway.
What was this engagement about? 

Guided by the Supreme Court of Canada decision, the five parties worked collaboratively to complete, approve and implement a Regional Land Use Plan for the Peel Watershed that reflects the objectives of the Final Agreements. The first step is this final round of community engagement, which had two objectives:

  1. All Yukoners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Final Recommended Plan and suggest possible minor modifications to improve the Plan given changing circumstances.
  2. The affected governments will receive informed advice on changing circumstances in the Peel watershed and suggestions for minor modifications focussed on improving and operationalizing the final recommended plan.

After this consultation was complete, the parties consulted with each other. The goal of this consultation was to achieve a shared position on the plan. Then the parties worked together to approve and implement a Final Regional Land Use Plan for the Peel Watershed.

How will my input make a difference?

Within the parameters set out by the Supreme Court of Canada, which calls for only minor modifications, we looked for parts of the Final Recommended Plan that may need to be changed or updated.

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