Proposed changes in the new Access to Information and Protection of Privacy (ATIPP) Act

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Results at a glance

86.8% of respondents supported proactive disclosure of information. This would require the government to release information without the need for an access to information request. We received the most comments out of any question on this topic—95 comments in both French and English.

69.2% of respondents were supportive of changes to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC). Some were worried this change would give the role too much power, which could be misused.

Three key themes of the responses were:

  • Ensuring people’s personal information is safe at all times
  • Government information should be available with few barriers
  • Access to services should be easy and seamless

We invited the public to comment on the proposed changes to Yukon’s ATIPP legislation from May 22 to July 20, 2018. Of the 227 responses, 97% were Yukoners and the majority supported the government’s plans.

What was this engagement about? 

Much has changed since the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPP) Act was introduced in 1995. We’re creating a new Act and we want to know if we got it right.

We want our new Act to be more open, to increase the amount of information available and to provide client-focused service delivery to Yukoners while protecting their right to privacy.

Our proposed changes come from information from public engagement done in June and July 2016, the Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner’s review of the Act, staff experiences, and legislation in other jurisdictions.

How will my input make a difference?

Your views will let us know if we’re on the right track, and will help us develop legislation that meets Yukoners’ needs now and into the future.

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