Recommended Whitehorse and Southern Lakes Forest Resources Management Plan public engagement

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?

We have compiled survey results and comments into a report. The information that we collected will help governments make a decision on the recommended plan.

Download the What We Heard report.

Recommended plan

Thanks to the public’s input, we’ve published the Whitehorse and Southern Lakes Forest Resources Management Plan.

What was this engagement about? 

Planning for a healthy forest in the Whitehorse and Southern Lakes area includes you.

We want to know if the plan meets the needs of the people in the Whitehorse and Southern Lakes area.

After years of collaborative effort, we have a plan for the Whitehorse and Southern Lakes area that will provide a balanced approach for the management and use of forests in the area.

The recommended Whitehorse and Southern Lakes Forest Resources Management Plan:

  • identifies values and interests related to the area’s forests; and
  • provides a balanced approach for the management and use of these forests.

The recommended plan guides:

  • how and where forest harvesting may occur;
  • how forestry will contribute to the local economy;
  • addressing the risk of forest fires in the area.

The recommended plan considers key values and concerns including:

  • fish and wildlife habitat;
  • forest health;
  • climate change; and
  • existing development.

The recommended plan was prepared by a committee with representatives from:

  • Kwanlin Dün First Nation;
  • Ta’an Kwäch’än Council;
  • Carcross/Tagish First Nation; and
  • the Government of Yukon.

The committee developed the plan using information gathered from open houses and workshops with:

  • the public;
  • interest groups; and
  • industry.

Through this engagement, we want to:

  • inform the public about the contents of the recommended plan; and
  • gather feedback on the recommended plan.
How will my input make a difference?

This engagement is your final opportunity to provide feedback on the recommended plan.

The Joint Planning Committee previously gathered input from the public at:

  • public open houses in June 2014;
  • public and stakeholder workshops in March 2015; and
  • public meeting in from June to September 2019.

The information you share will help the Government of Yukon, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and Carcross/Tagish First Nation make a decision on the recommended plan.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

How did we do at this public engagement? Tell us by completing a short questionnaire.

Rate our public engagement process.

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