Regulated midwifery services in Yukon

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What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is working to regulate, fund and integrate midwifery into Yukon’s healthcare system. Our goal as a government is to provide Yukoners additional options within a range of healthcare services that support healthy pregnancies, birthing experiences, and care after childbirth.

The plan we presented to participants during the engagement proposed the following:

  • Initially introducing regulated midwife-attended births and pre- and post-natal services (before and after childbirth) as an option in Whitehorse, where processes and emergency services that support pregnancies and birth are already in place. These supports include physicians with birthing expertise and facilities that can support urgent interventions, such as blood transfusions and Caesarean sections.
  • Initially introducing some regulated pre- and post-natal midwifery services in other communities.
  • Identifying options to potentially support similar services in Dawson City and Watson Lake.
How will my input make a difference?

Input from this engagement will be considered alongside the feedback from the Midwifery Advisory Committee, what we learned from other jurisdictions, and Yukon’s unique context as we develop regulations and work towards a funding model, model of care and integration of midwifery into Yukon’s health system.

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