Review of inclusive and special education in Yukon

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What was this engagement about? 

The Department of Education accepted recommendations from The Auditor General of Canada to conduct a full review of the services and supports for inclusive education. The recommendation is outlined in the Auditor General’s report, Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Education in Yukon, published on June 18, 2019.

Dr. Nikki Yee, an expert in the field Special Education, is conducting this review. Dr. Yee is a PhD in Special Education from the University of BC and has 12 years of diverse teaching experience from Kindergarten through Grade 12 to university, including supporting special education in schools.

Dr. Yee is reviewing the department’s current practices, procedures and legislated responsibilities, scanning other jurisdictions and identifying barriers and opportunities by gathering experiences and perspectives from across the education system.

Watch this video from Dr. Yee about the review.

Dr. Yee is collecting feedback through focus groups and the online tool from:

  • parents/guardians;
  • students;
  • teachers;
  • school staff; school councils;
  • Yukon First Nations; and other education partners.

Dr. Yee is gathering experiences with:

  • the Department of Education’s services;
  • supports for students with special needs;
  • and specific supports that students need to be successful at school.

Dr. Yee started the review in February 2020 with initial meetings and reviewing current practices, procedures and legislated responsibilities. It was extended across the 2020–21 school year due to COVID-19 and to provide more time and opportunity to safely gather perspectives and experiences across the education system.

Read the interim report from Dr. Yee published in September 2020 on work completed so far on the review.

How will my input make a difference?

Dr. Yee will use your input as part of her final report on the review of inclusive and special education services in Yukon.

Dr. Yee’s final report is expected to the Department of Education at the end of March 2021. This report and the recommendations from the 2019 audit report, will be used to frame work together with Yukon First Nations and education partners through the Advisory Committee for Yukon Education to:

  • develop next steps and actions to improve and modernize inclusive and special education in Yukon; and
  • identify how to more effectively support student learning needs and outcomes.
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Where can I find related information?

Watch this video from Dr. Yee about the review.

Read the interim report from Dr. Yee about the work completed so far as part of this review.

Read past news releases on this review:

View the full report by the Office of the Auditor General and the recommendations to improve education services in Yukon. 

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