Yukon Community Wellbeing Survey

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?
What was this engagement about? 

How are Yukoners really doing right now? In these challenging times, we need more than just economic data to help answer that question.

The Community Wellbeing Survey will provide a territory-wide snapshot of Yukoners’ wellbeing and provide the needed population-level data to support informed decision making to best meet the unique and changing needs of Yukoners. The COVID-specific questions at the start of the survey will inform next steps in the pandemic response.

How will my input make a difference?

Insights gathered through this survey will inform the Government of Yukon and Chief Medical Officer of Health’s COVID-19 response as we progress through the next phases of Yukon’s plan, A Path Forward. The results of this survey will enable whole-of-Yukon decision-making to meet the unique and changing needs of Yukoners.

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