Yukon Financial Advisory Panel 2017

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Results at a glance

Phase one of the engagement

  • The process launched on June 14, 2017 and closed on July 14, 2017.
  • Yukoners were able to take part through:
    • An online discussion forum,
    • An online survey,
    • Video, and
    • Written submissions.
  • More than 200 Yukoners provided their input and feedback.
  • The thoughts and opinions of participants in the initial phase of the public engagement process guided the draft options.
  • The panel received input and feedback on what it means to achieve the Government of Yukon’s stated priorities and options for success.
    • The Government of Yukon’s stated priorities are:
      • Our people-centered approach to wellness helps Yukoners thrive.
      • Our strategic investments build healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities.
      • Our strong government-to-government relationships with First Nations foster reconciliation.
      • Our diverse, growing economy provides good jobs for Yukoners in an environmentally responsible way.
  • Participants utilized background information on Yukon’s:
    • Financial planning,
    • Current projections of anticipated revenue,
    • Spending levels, and
    • Financial assets.
  • Participants gave their perspective on the criteria to guide Yukon’s financial planning.
  • The Panel used the input from the first phase to guide the options for consideration.
  • The public received a draft report of options for consideration on September 12, 2017. The draft report was the basis for the second phase of public engagement to get input and feedback.

Phase two of engagement

  • The Panel met with:
    • Leadership and/or representatives of eleven of the fourteen First Nation governments,
    • The Council of Yukon First Nations,
    • Eight municipal governments, and
    • Twenty stakeholder groups.
  • The panel hosted twenty public events in fourteen of the communities.
  • The Panel met with:
    • Members of the Legislative Assembly representing the Yukon Party and the New Democratic Party, and
    • Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister focus groups.
  • 426 individuals participated in an online survey.
  • The fall public engagement process provided new options that were not considered by the Panel in the draft report. This also led to a better understanding of the potential impacts that the various options might have on:
    • Yukoners,
    • First Nation and municipal governments,
    • Businesses, and
    • Stakeholder groups. 
What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is facing financial challenges. Over the past ten years, revenue growth of 1.7 per cent a year has not kept pace with spending growth of 2.5 per cent a year. To support building a healthy financial future, the Yukon government assembled an independent Financial Advisory Panel to provide the government with options for future financial planning.

Starting Tuesday, September 12, these draft options will be shared with Yukoners. You are invited to participate in the discussion about the pros, cons, and considerations of pursuing the various options.

How will my input make a difference?

Public feedback from the first phase of this engagement provided guiding advice for the development of future financial planning options, which have been refined by the Financial Advisory Panel. The panel is now asking Yukoners to provide their input on the pros, cons and trade-offs of these options.

Your input will help guide the Government of Yukon’s financial decision and policies for the next five years.

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