Yukon Mineral Development Strategy

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon and the 11 self-governing First Nations are committed to the long-term responsible management of Yukon’s mineral resources, and to supporting a healthy mining industry that adheres to high environmental and social standards.

To help achieve this, they collectively appointed an independent panel.  The independent panel hosted a nine-month public engagement process.

Input was collected through regional online open houses, focus groups, a toll-free line, over 90+ meetings, two surveys, written submissions, a two-day session with elders, and more.

The panel used the extensive input collected from this process to develop the Yukon Mineral Development Strategy and Recommendations. 

How will my input make a difference?

The panel’s final recommendations will be submitted to  First Nations and the Government of Yukon for consideration and possible implementation.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

How did we do on this public engagement? 

Email: panel@yukonmds.com

Where can I find related information?

In April 2021, the independent panel released the final Yukon Mineral Development Strategy and Recommendations report. The panel submitted the report to the Government of Yukon and First Nations for their review and consideration.

Download the final strategy and recommendations.

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