Yukon University legislation

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Results at a glance

The public survey was completed by 378 participants.

87% of participants said they live in Whitehorse; 11% said they live in a rural community in Yukon.

10 participants attended public sessions.  

In response to a questions about the Objects and Purpose being considered for Yukon University:

  • 74% of participants agreed with the proposed Objects and Purpose being considered for Yukon University legislation.

In response to what areas the Government of Yukon should provide oversight over Yukon University:

  • 71% of participants agreed the government should put limitations on tuition fees.
  • 28% of participants agreed the government should set priorities to improve enrolment numbers for various groups of students.
  • 30% of participants agreed the government should set priorities to improve outcomes for various groups of students.
  • 63% of participants agreed the government should identify educational priorities for the university.

In response to accountability indicators Yukon University should be accountable for:

  • 73% selected student enrolment and number of graduates
  • 45% selected Yukon First Nations enrolment and number of graduates
  • 28% selected other Indigenous student enrolment (non-Yukon First Nations, Metis and Inuit) and number of graduates
  • 44% selected integration of Yukon First Nations and northern perspectives into the programming and culture of the university
  • 24% selected number of first generation post-secondary students (students whose parents did not attend a post-secondary institution)
  • 69% selected student satisfaction with university services (for example, effective program advising, cultural or social supports)
  • 68% selected satisfaction of graduates with their program/coursework
  • 67% selected employment rates of graduates
  • 73% selected credentials awarded (degrees, diplomas, certificate, trades and academic
  • 26% selected credentials awarded to Yukon First Nations students
  • 21% selected credentials awarded to other Indigenous students
  • 45% selected students sense of belonging to an inclusive university community
  • 50% selected satisfaction with student involvement in university governance

In response to which members should be represented on the Board of Governors:

  • 71% selected First Nations representatives
  • 65% selected rural community representatives
  • 83% selected faculty staff representatives
  • 67% selected non-faculty staff representatives
  • 69% selected student representatives

In response to which members should be included on the Senate:

  • 47% selected non-faculty staff representatives
  • 58% selected First Nations faculty or non-faculty staff representatives
  • 76% selected faculty representatives from each faculty
  • 56% selected rural community representatives who are faculty or non-faculty staff
  • 66% selected student representatives

In response to how Yukon University should ensure rural communities have a voice in the governance of the university and ensure their educational needs are being met:

  • 55% selected having rural community members on the Board of Governors
  • 44% selected having faculty and non-faculty staff from rural communities on the Senate
  • 50% selected establish a rural advisory structure to advise the Board of Governors, Senate and university administration on needs of communities
  • 66% selected regular collaboration with communities about their needs
  • 59% selected commitment to meet the educational needs of rural communities in the university’s mandate
What was this engagement about? 

Yukon College is in the process of transitioning to Yukon University. To support this transition, university legislation is required and the Government of Yukon is developing the legislation to oversee and guide the activities of Yukon University.

In Canada, it is the responsibility of the province or territory to oversee post-secondary institutions. In Yukon, the Government of Yukon oversees Yukon College through the Yukon College Act. However, to ensure Yukon University meets the requirements of a university, new legislation is needed that will provide a framework that defines a university in Yukon. 

To ensure Yukon University continues to meet the diverse education needs of Yukon citizens, the Government of Yukon is asking the public, partners and Yukon First Nations for feedback on key aspects of the legislation, including:

  • university mandate;
  • government oversight and university autonomy;
  • university accountability;
  • university governance; and
  • program delivery in Yukon communities

Learn more about some key terms to be aware of as you fill out the online survey.

How will my input make a difference?

Your feedback will be considered alongside feedback from Yukon First Nations governments, municipalities and students and staff from Yukon College as the new legislation is drafted for Yukon University.

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