Health Authority Act receives Assent in the Yukon Legislative Assembly

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and Council of Yukon First Nations as secretariat support to the Chiefs Committee on Health.

The Health Authority Act received Assent on April 29, 2024.

The legislation provides the legal framework to establish the Yukon’s first health authority, Shäw Kwä’ą/Health and Wellness Yukon/Santé et mieux-être Yukon. Developed in collaboration with Yukon First Nations governments, senior officials, health system partners and providers, this ground-breaking legislation sets out essential operational and governance guidelines for improving the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners.  

Emphasizing the importance of cultural and patient safety, quality assurance and support for health care workers, the creation of Shäw Kwä’ą/Health and Wellness Yukon/Santé et mieux-être Yukon will bring together health services from the Department of Health and Social Services and the Yukon Hospital Corporation to deliver day-to-day health services and some social services. It will support a system-wide perspective that enables better planning, improves efficiency and allows for innovative health system delivery methods that will move health system transformation forward

The Government of Yukon, in collaboration with Yukon First Nations and health partners, will begin the work to establish the health authority right away. This work will span several years and include continued collaboration with partners, stakeholders, health professionals, communities, unions and employees over the several years to develop an equitable health system where the voices and needs of individuals, families, communities and health service providers are acknowledged and respected.

Today marks a pivotal moment in transforming the Yukon's health and social system as we cement the foundation for a modern, responsive health authority that truly reflects the values and interests of Yukoners. We are steadfast in our commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Putting People First report to build a system that is people centered, accessible to everyone, equitable in every respect and culturally safe. Shäw Kwä’ą/Health and Wellness Yukon/Santé et mieux-être Yukon will be a key driver of the Yukon's health and social system transformation, improving the vitality of the territory and ensuring health services are focused on client care and health outcomes. 

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

The passing of this legislation is an exciting moment for all Yukoners. There is still a significant amount of work ahead, but this legislation is an important step in creating Shäw Kwä’ą and enacting the vision that was laid out in Putting People First for a better, person-centred and culturally safe health care system.  This ground-breaking and collaboratively built legislation enables significant positive changes to health service delivery in the territory and ensures an ongoing role for Yukon First Nations in the governance of Yukon’s health system.

Chair of the Chiefs Committee on Health and Chief of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Pauline Frost  

Quick facts
  • La création d’un office de la santé au Yukon est l’une des principales recommandations du rapport La population d’abord, qui repose sur les commentaires issus des consultations menées auprès de la population.

  • Shäw Kwä’ą, le nom autochtone de l’office, signifie « tout va bien » et reflète la vision de la santé et du mieux-être en tutchone du Sud. 

  • La Loi sur l’office de la santé a été pensée avec l’aide des gouvernements des Premières Nations du Yukon, des hauts fonctionnaires ainsi que des partenaires et prestataires de soins du système de santé. Le Comité des chefs sur la santé a assuré la supervision du processus. Les 2 phases de consultation publique du rapport de 2020 La population d’abord ont fourni des informations supplémentaires pour l’élaboration du cadre de la loi. 

  • La Loi sur l’office de la santé est l’outil qui servira à créer l’autorité de la santé au Yukon. Elle définit les rôles et les responsabilités de l’office ainsi que la portée de ses programmes et services, et établit ses principes de fonctionnement et la façon dont il interagira avec le secteur de la santé et des services sociaux.

  • Le Yukon est l’une de 2 administrations au pays qui n’ont pas d’autorité de la santé. 

  • Sous réserve de l’approbation de l’Assemblée législative, le Budget 2024-2025 prévoit 9,4 millions de dollars pour la poursuite du travail de réforme du système de santé et de services sociaux et de mise en place de l’office de la santé.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Zachary Burke
Communications, Health and Social Services

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