Public engagement to support preventing workplace violence and harassment

The Government of Yukon is seeking input about preventing violence and harassment in Yukon workplaces to inform regulation changes under the Yukon Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Yukoners can share feedback at a public open house on June 18 in Whitehorse, complete an online survey at or provide written submissions by June 30, 2019.

An amendment was made to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in 2017 to enable the development of regulations aimed at preventing workplace psychological injuries.

The Government of Yukon is also proposing to enhance existing Occupational Health and Safety Regulations to make it clearer and easier to understand workplace hazard assessment requirements.

No Yukon worker should be exposed to violence or harassment in their workplace. These important changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations will address serious health and safety concerns and further support employers in improving both the physical and the psychological safety of Yukon workers.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board Jeanie Dendys

The regulations will provide a framework to help ensure workers are protected from the psychological injuries that can result from workplace violence and harassment. Input from stakeholders and the public will help to make changes to workplace safety legislation as strong, effective and workable as possible.

YWCHSB President/CEO Kurt Dieckmann

Quick facts
  • La séance de consultation publique aura lieu le mardi 18 juin 2019, de 15 h à 19 h, au Northlight Innovation (2180, 2e Avenue, Whitehorse).

  • Les principales causes de blessures psychologiques en milieu de travail sont : les expériences traumatiques, les menaces (perçues ou réelles) de violence, l’intimidation et le harcèlement sexuel.

  • L’évaluation des risques dans un lieu de travail vise, d’une part, à identifier les dangers potentiels et les risques de blessure et, d’autre part, à déterminer la meilleure façon de les prévenir.


The Government of Yukon is proposing two regulatory changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations:

  • A new regulation to help prevent violence and harassment in the workplace.
  • An amendment to strengthen and clarify the requirement for hazard assessments.

YWCHSB is hosting a public engagement process to solicit input from stakeholders and the public about both proposed changes.

  • An online survey
  • A stakeholder meeting
  • A public open house

YWCHSB will publish a “What We Heard” report on completion of the engagement process.

This fall, the Government of Yukon will commence a public engagement on the modernization of the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Media contact

Lisa Bucher
Cabinet Communications

Andrew Robulack
Communications, Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Branch

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