Ranj Pillai sworn in as the Yukon’s 10th Premier

Today, Ranj Pillai was sworn in to office as the 10th Premier of the Yukon. Premier Pillai’s Cabinet was also sworn in during a ceremony at the Jim Smith Building led by the Administrator of the Yukon Adeline Webber. 

In addition to his role as leader of the territory, Premier Pillai will be the Minister responsible for the Executive Council Office, Yukon Housing Corporation and Minister of Economic Development.

The new Cabinet of the Yukon government comprises:                

  • Jeanie McLean – Deputy Premier; Minister of Education; Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate
  • Tracy-Anne McPhee – Minister of Health and Social Services; Minister of Justice; Attorney General
  • Nils Clarke – Minister of the Environment; Minister of Highways and Public Works
  • Richard Mostyn – Minister of Community Services; Minister responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board
  • John Streicker – Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources; Minister of Tourism and Culture; Minister responsible for the Yukon Energy Corporation; Minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corporation; Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate
  • Sandy Silver – Minister of Finance; Minister responsible for the Public Service Commission; Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation; Minister responsible for the Yukon Lottery Commission

I am honoured to serve the great people of the Yukon as their next Premier. My Cabinet and I are committed to improving the lives of Yukoners and we look forward to continuing the important work to move the territory forward. The Yukon has the strongest economy in the country and provides residents with an exceptional quality of life. By continuing to invest in the territory, including in housing, health care and energy, we will ensure all Yukoners benefit from the territory’s strong economic growth.

Premier Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Le gouvernement libéral minoritaire a été élu le 12 avril 2021 avec un total de huit membres.

  • Le premier ministre Pillai a été élu pour la première fois lors des élections générales de la 34e Assemblée législative du Yukon, tenues le 7 novembre 2016. Il a été réélu lors des élections générales de la 35e Assemblée législative, le 12 avril 2021.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Alexis Miller
Communications, Executive Council Office 

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