Minister of Highways and Public Works Nils Clarke has issued the following statement:
“Making it safer and easier for people to walk, cycle, kicksled, ski and use other forms of active transportation creates opportunities for Yukoners to live healthier lives while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building more inclusive communities. Our government aims to incorporate active transportation wherever possible in major infrastructure projects, including in the design of highways and other transportation infrastructure.
“Today, in partnership with the Government of Canada, our government is proud to announce significant territorial investments to enhance crucial infrastructure that increases opportunities for Yukoners to use active transportation in our communities.
“The Takhini River Bridge on the North Klondike Highway is part of a critical travel corridor between Whitehorse and communities in central and northern parts of the territory. Our government is pleased to invest over $2 million to design and build an active transportation route on the bridge, making it safer for cyclists, runners and other active transportation users. The total funding for this project is $8.5 million.
“Adding a safe active transportation route to this bridge is a step forward in accommodating modes of transportation that do not rely on fossil fuels, helping the territory achieve its CO2 emission reduction targets set in Our Clean Future.
“Additionally, our government is glad to announce that the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon are working together to increase pedestrian safety and improve visibility for drivers in Watson Lake. The total funding for this project is $1.5 million.
“Part of this funding has already been used to improve pedestrian crossings and install new streetlights on the Robert Campbell Highway between Ravenhill Drive and Two and One-Half Mile Village. In 2024, we will be using the remainder of this funding to upgrade two crosswalks on the Alaska Highway with overhead pedestrian-activated flashing beacons, add smaller side-mounted crosswalks at key crossing locations along the Alaska Highway and Robert Campbell Highway, and upgrade pedestrian connections to crosswalks within the town.
"Our government would like to thank the Government of Canada for their contributions to the Takhini River Bridge active transportation project and the Watson Lake pedestrian safety project through the Active Transportation Fund. Our mutual commitment to reducing CO2 emissions and increasing active transportation options will help promote safer, healthier communities.”
Active transportation refers to the movement of people or goods powered by human activity.
Methods of active transportation include walking, cycling and the use of human-powered or hybrid mobility aids such as scooters, e-bikes, snowshoes, cross-country skis and more.
Active transportation infrastructure promotes healthier lifestyles, advances equity, cuts air and noise pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Investments in safer active transportation infrastructure help to ensure that people of all ages and abilities can access services and connect with their communities.
In 2023, the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon announced funding to strengthen the municipal water system, sewers and roads in Watson Lake, with the Government of Canada contributing more than $12 million through its Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program and the Government of Yukon investing nearly $4.25 million.