Statement from the Minister Responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean on the annual meeting of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women

Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

“I was honoured to represent the Government of Yukon at the 41st annual meeting of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on the Traditional Territory of the Mi’kmaw people. It was an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience and to share best practices to advance equality for women and gender-diverse people across different jurisdictions.

“The ministerial meeting was preceded by a separate meeting between Ministers and National Indigenous Leaders and representatives to discuss key priorities affecting Indigenous women, girls and 2-Spirit people across Canada. Respectful and equitable involvement of Indigenous leaders and communities is an indispensable component of addressing violence against Indigenous women, girls and the 2-Spirit people.

“Ministers discussed key issues impacting the status of women and gender equality in our country, including the importance of ensuring women’s equal participation in the economy. Ministers also shared the work underway in their respective jurisdictions to support the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

“The Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers reiterated their commitment to fostering a culture of respect, diversity, and equal opportunities for women, girls and gender-diverse people, ensuring a more equitable and prosperous future for people living in Canada. I want to thank Minister Ien and Minister Jameson for their hospitality and I look forward to our next meeting.”

Quick facts
  • The 41st annual Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women took place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island from July 31 to August 2. The meeting was co-chaired by Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, the Honourable Marci Ien and Prince Edward Island’s Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Education and Early Years, the Honourable Natalie Jameson.

  • The Ministers meet annually to share knowledge and information, explore ways to advance equality for women and gender-diverse people and undertake collaborative initiatives in priority areas, as agreed upon by consensus.

  • Women and Gender Equity Directorate is a Government of Yukon department that works to advance equitable economic, legal and social outcomes of all genders and sexual orientations and advance the integration of intersectional considerations throughout government. The department does this by conducting research and analysis, leading inter-departmental projects and providing financial support to organizations that advance equity of genders and sexual orientations.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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