Three projects supported through the Yukon Francophonie Day Program

This has been updated to reflect the correct funding amount.

The Office of the Commissioner of Yukon is excited to award $14,605 to three community-based projects. These local groups are creating opportunities for all Yukoners to participate in the Yukon Francophonie Day celebrations on May 14 and 15, 2024. École Émilie-Tremblay, the Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon and Healthy Families, Healthy Babies are the recipients of the Yukon Francophonie Day Program. Events are taking place in both Whitehorse and Dawson City this year.

This program is designed to support all groups, businesses, municipalities and educational institutions in organizing events promoting the vitality and diversity of the Yukon Francophone community.  

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the recipients for their commitment to sharing the Francophone culture across the territory and in doing so, contributing to build a stronger and vibrant Yukon. It is important to celebrate language and heritage by sharing them with others. I encourage all Yukoners to participate in the events being held in Whitehorse and Dawson City for Yukon Francophonie Day.

Commissioner of Yukon Adeline Webber

Quick facts
  • C’est en 2007 que le gouvernement du Yukon a proclamé le 15 mai « Journée de la francophonie yukonnaise », une journée où toute la population peut apprécier et célébrer la riche histoire et l’esprit de la communauté francophone du Yukon.

  • Cette journée officielle nous rappelle que des francophones contribuent à l’essor du Yukon depuis près de 200 ans.

  • Le français est l’une des deux langues officielles du Canada et fait partie intégrante du tissu historique, culturel et linguistique du pays.


The Yukon Francophonie Day Program has awarded a total of $14,605 to three projects:

École Émilie-Tremblay – $1,625 – To contribute to a student talent show held for students, parents and families on Wednesday, May 15.

Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon – $1,750 – To host an Open House event at Captain Martin House on Tuesday, May 14. A life-size game of Klondike is one of the activities on the agenda. Everyone is welcome!

Healthy Families Healthy Babies – $11,230 – To organize a community celebration on Wednesday, May 15, with activities for children and parents in Dawson City. Everyone is welcome!

Media contact

Judy Shannon
Private Secretary to Commissioner of Yukon
Executive Council Office

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