Tipping fees holiday extended for Southern Lakes region affected by windstorms

The Government of Yukon is extending the waiving of tipping fees until September 3 for brush, trees and clean wood brought to the Deep Creek, Marsh Lake, Mount Lorne, Tagish and Carcross solid waste facilities during normal business hours.

Windstorms in late July created issues with windblown debris. The tipping-fee-holiday extension is meant to provide area residents with additional time to clean up downed trees and encourage disposal of brush piles that could otherwise increase wildland-fire risks.

Our government is happy to extend the waiving of tipping fees for Yukoners in the Southern Lakes region affected by windstorms. We hope it will continue to offer relief to residents as they clean up their properties.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • Originally, tipping fees were being waived from July 28 to August 6, 2023.

  • Tipping fees will still apply for waste, including household waste, vehicles, scrap metals and construction material.

  • Disposing of untreated wood, uncontaminated brush or trees is normally $5/m3.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

John Tonin
Communications, Community Services

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