Update on flooding at Ch'ëdähdëk Forty Mile Historic Site: Damage assessed and Request for Proposals issued for long-term conservation plan

This is a joint release with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.

In May of 2023, an ice jam formed at the confluence of the Forty mile and Yukon rivers 88 km downriver from Dawson City, resulting in extensive ice and water damage to the co-managed Ch'ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) Historic Site, one of the eight component sites that make up the Tr’ondëk-Klondike UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A thorough survey by officials from the Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in governments was conducted over the summer to assess the damage. In addition to downed trees and considerable damage to access trails and infrastructure, the assessment work found that three of 11 historic structures were washed away completely, with the other eight sustaining extensive to moderate damage, most dislodged from their foundations. The five buildings in the adjacent work camp were also lifted from their foundations and the site’s campground amenities (signage, garbage bins, outhouses, etc.) will need to be replaced. The assessment also included work to ensure vulnerable structures were stabilized to prevent further damage.

With the assessment now complete, a Request for Proposals has been issued for the design of a conservation plan to explore repair and interpretation options for the damaged buildings and provide guidance on mitigation for potential future flooding events. As laid out in the Request for Proposals, community engagement will play a central role throughout the plan’s development, with a finalized plan anticipated by the end of 2024.

The Request for Proposals can be found on the Yukon Bids and Tenders website: yukon.bidsandtenders.ca. The closing date is March 15, 2024.

Due to the hazards posed by the downed trees, damaged trails, unstable structures and debris, Ch'ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) remains closed to the public. The Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and the Government of Yukon ask visitors not to travel to the site until it is officially reopened.

Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) has been an important site for the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in since time immemorial and remains sacred among our people today. We take our role as stewards of the land seriously and look forward to rebuilding and repairing the structures at this site in a good way, consistent with our values and the teachings given to us by our Elders and ancestors.

Debbie Nagano, Heritage Director, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in

While the impacts of last spring’s flooding at Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) were devastating, it does not change the cultural significance that this site holds. With community engagement playing a central role in the development of a conservation plan to guide restoration, we are hopeful that this will be an opportunity for Yukoners to reflect, heal and help create a strong vision for the site’s future.

Minister of Tourism and Culture John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) est un important site du patrimoine culturel situé à 88 km en aval de Dawson, au confluent de la rivière Fortymile et du fleuve Yukon.

  • Le site comprend d’importantes traces matérielles de sa fréquentation à la fin de la préhistoire ainsi que des preuves archéologiques et des structures debout de la période contemporaine remontant jusqu’à 1886. 

  • Un plan de gestion du site, dans lequel la consultation du public a joué un rôle, a été élaboré en 2006 par un comité directeur composé de représentants du gouvernement du Yukon et de la Première Nation des Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.

  • Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile) est l’un des 8 emplacements qui composent le site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Tr’ondëk-Klondike.

Media contact

Laura Seeley 
Cabinet Communications 

Elaine Corden
Director of Communications and Policy, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
867-993-7100 ext. 136

Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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