This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day funding program.
A total of $350,000 in support has been awarded to 36 projects across the Yukon through the Every Student, Every Day fund, with support from the Government of Yukon.
For the 2023–24 school year, Yukon schools, school councils and community organizations will implement 36 projects designed to help increase student attendance. These projects work directly to remove barriers, increase engagement in student learning and promote a greater sense of belonging in school communities.
Since its establishment in 2012, Every Student, Every Day has directly supported more than 200 local student attendance projects with over $1.85 million raised primarily from Yukon businesses and individual donations. This year Every Student, Every Day has increased its funding to $280,000. The Government of Yukon has also increased its contribution to $70,000, along with continuing to provide administrative support to coordinate with participating schools and non-governmental organizations. This year’s funding commitment is the largest ever and will support communities in addressing student attendance challenges in creative ways.
Our government recognizes the importance of using a collective, community-based approach to tackling complex challenges, such as increasing student attendance and engagement in Yukon schools. We are proud to increase our contribution as part of the Every Student, Every Day funding program to support progress on innovative projects that improve outcomes for all Yukon students. I look forward to seeing how these projects will support every student, every day on their educational journeys.
Every Student, Every Day is proud to support community-driven projects with another record amount of funding this year. Together, with the generosity and support of our partners, we are excited to be building stronger school communities by removing barriers and fostering inclusivity through increased engagement resulting in a greater sense of belonging at school.
A committee of Department of Education staff and society representatives selected the successful projects and the funds will be implemented in the 2023-24 school year.
Every Student, Every Day – Student attendance projects funded for 2023–24
Aurora Virtual School – Yukon
AVS Experiential Science Field Studies Program and iDea Lab Renewal $8,300
With support from Every Student, Every Day, Aurora Virtual School launched the AVS iDea Lab, bringing together rural students who were previously isolated in their studies. This successful program offers hands-on science and technology activities for high school credit. The project aims to replenish lab materials and organize Field Studies opportunities for Grades 10 to 12.
BGC Yukon – Haines Junction
BGC Summer Programming $10,000
BGC Yukon aims to offer an after-school drop-in project to foster positive relationships between students, the school, and other adults. The project also offers opportunities for both volunteers and young individuals to develop leadership skills through peer interactions, coaching, and employment readiness training. By extending the program into the summer months, a continuous connection is maintained between school years. Engaging young people with the school, promoting their active involvement in the community, and supporting their return to class in the following fall are key objectives of BGC Yukon, a youth-led organization that prioritizes fulfilling the needs of young individuals.
CSSC Mercier – Whitehorse
Club de Musique $10,000
CSSC Mercier will establish a music club at the school, where students with an interest in music will have access to instruments, equipment and a teacher who will guide them in exploring various music genres. The program will invite specialists from the Francophone community, First Nations and the broader community through the "artist in the school" program. The music club will provide a platform for students to showcase their talents, affirm their identity and foster a sense of belonging within the school community.
Dawson City Arts Society (KLONDIKE INSTITUTE OF ART & CULTURE) – Dawson City
After School Art Programming $2,000
Robert Service School high-school students participate in KIAC's annual Youth Art Enrichment program, a week-long camp for all Yukon Youth providing opportunities to learn artistic skills, connect with other youth around the territory, and to build empowerment and self-esteem. The funding will cover the costs of materials required for after-school programming to ensure that activities are free for youth.
Del Van Gorder School – Faro
Self-Regulation Space $5,300
A project creating a sensory/self-regulation space in the school. The aim is to support students in attending school regularly, especially those with self-regulation difficulties. The project will improve attendance and reduce instances of students leaving school or disengaging from learning. Students will learn self-regulation techniques and incorporate them into the classroom.
Del Van Gorder School – Faro
Cultural Connections $9,100
This project emphasizes the importance of connections, role models and guidance for First Nations and all students to strengthen their cultural identity and pride. The Cultural Connection project is a year-long cultural integration program with workshops, speakers, Elder visits, language teachers, Indigenous athletes, traditional activities and land-based learning. Consistent interactions throughout the year aim to foster understanding and positive representation of local and Indigenous knowledge.
Ecole Whitehorse Elementary School – Whitehorse
PE Class Enhancements $5,035
École Whitehorse Elementary School is implementing an innovative physical education project aimed at promoting student engagement, physical literacy and overall wellbeing. The school has a popular Mission Impossible Obstacle Course unit, where students navigate various obstacles and challenges. To ensure safety, landing mats will be installed, allowing students to take risks and push their physical capacities. By prioritizing physical education, the school aims to strengthen student-school connections, build relationships and ultimately improve attendance, mental health and academic performance.
Eliza Van Bibber School – Pelly Crossing
Attendance Initiatives $5,900
The school plans to distribute school magnets to each student and their family. These magnets will include school contact information and will display the school schedule, allowing parents to easily reference it daily.
The school also intends to allocate funds for the purchase of art supplies and resources that will be used for field trips.
FH Collins – Whitehorse
Learning Commons $5,600
The iLibrary - Learning Commons serves as the central learning hub for the school. This project aims to expand and improve the space to accommodate a larger number of students across all grade levels. Enhancements are planned to make the area a more accessible, comfortable and inviting environment where students can thrive and engage in their learning journey.
FH Collins – Whitehorse
Carpentry Kits and Supplies $9,270
The school plans to purchase carpentry tools and supplies to enhance students' understanding of mathematical concepts such as measurement, 3D representation, trigonometry and finance. This experiential approach aims to boost student motivation and interest in math by bridging classroom learning with real-world applications and experiential learning. By integrating this approach, the school strives to create a culturally responsive and supportive math learning environment for all students.
Gadzoosdaa Student Residence – Yukon
Attendance Initiatives $10,000
Gadzoosdaa Student Residence has organized University tours for students to explore post-secondary institutions and gain insights into future opportunities beyond graduation. These tours provide valuable interactions with current students and admissions counselors, targeting students in grade 10 who may find it challenging to envision their future prospects.
In addition, the school plans to enhance the dormitory experience to create a more homelike atmosphere. These efforts align with the objective of making Gadzoosdaa Student Residence an engaging and desirable place for students, evoking a sense of belonging and home away from home.
Golden Horn Elementary School – Whitehorse
Play-based Learning $6,000
This project aims to foster and promote play-based learning in the primary wing of Golden Horn Elementary. Recognizing the benefits of creative learning environments, this project aims to facilitate deep learning experiences, student engagement, equity and self-regulation.
Golden Horn Elementary School Council – Whitehorse
Cross-Country Ski Gear $12,000
The project aims to acquire cross-country ski gear for the GHES Outdoor Education program. The focus on cross-country skiing addresses the need for active winter pursuits, ensuring equity by providing high-quality equipment to all students. Regular outdoor excursions strengthen class cohesion, improve well-being, and concentration upon returning to the classroom, creating enriching and inclusive learning experiences for GHES students.
Grey Mountain Primary School – Whitehorse
Indigenous Art in the School $2,000
Grey Mountain Primary is working hard to increase communal knowledge of the land on which we live and the Indigenous stories that help support our care and protection of the natural environment. This project will help the school to better reflect local Indigenous culture by bringing Indigenous art into the school.
Grey Mountain Primary School – Whitehorse
Winter Gear Library & Benches $10,000
Land-based learning provides a wide range of advantages for students, fostering a sense of place and serving as a foundation on which to explore natural curiosities. Engaging with the outdoors not only promotes physical well-being but also aids in emotional regulation among students. To support these endeavors, this funding aims to ensure that the school has adequate winter gear for all students.
Hidden Valley School – Whitehorse
Gaga Ball $10,000
The project involves establishing a "gaga ball" pit to facilitate student play during class time, recess and gym classes at Hidden Valley School. This engaging game provides students of all ages with the chance to interact and play alongside peers from various grade levels, fostering stronger connections within the school community.
Individual Learning Centre – Whitehorse
Hygiene Supplies $3,000
The project supplies hygiene products and builds upon the success of the previous year's Hygiene Supplies program. In addition to the basic supplies, the funding allocated was utilized to purchase other items such as pregnancy tests, socks, underwear, vitamins, "boost" drinks, first aid itemsand catering to specific situations.
Individual Learning Centre – Whitehorse
Certificates $3,000
The goal of this project is to support students to acquire certifications to help them be ready for summer or post-graduation employment. There are many jobs that require their employees to have their drivers license, CPR/First Aid certification, I.T. certifications and other professional certifications.
Individual Learning Centre – Whitehorse
Soft Start $4,200
Implement a "soft-start" option, where students have access to materials that will help them ease into the day and help them feel more comfortable in the open-concept classroom. This project will also support the purchase Smart Auto Phone Timer Lock Boxes with self-control timer locks to give students the option of separating from their cell phones for a chosen period of time to help students focus on schoolwork instead of their phones.
Industrial Arts and Technology Society of Yukon – Dawson City
After School Shop Program Materials $1,000
IATSY has partnered with Robert Service School for two years to provide after school shop programming in both wood and metal trades. The funding will help cover the costs of shop materials, supplies and consumables to implement the after-school programming free of charge to youth participants.
Jack Hulland Elementary School – Whitehorse
Kicksleds $20,000
JHES will purchase 25 kicksleds to be used by all classes to facilitate more outdoor and on-the-land learning. Kicksledding is a low-barrier winter recreation and active transportation mode for any age group and fitness level. Outdoor, land-based learning activities improve attendance in students by making school a fun place to learn.
Jack Hulland Elementary School CounciL – Whitehorse
Centre for Excellence for Cultural and Land-based Learning $15,000
Construct a First Nations gathering area with an interpretive trail that includes areas for conflict resolution, empathy building and self-expression. The outdoor gathering area will include a covered structure with a table and stump seating. It will provide an area for students to participate in learning opportunities in an outdoor environment year-round.
Johnson Elementary – Watson Lake
Attendance Initiatives $20,000
Implementation of an extra-curricular program to provide opportunities for students in fine arts, athletics and club activities to enhance student and parent engagement in school. To help improve attendance, students will learn the physical skills, rules and fundamental strategies to participate in all sports. JES also plans to incorporate experiential learning activities such as ice fishing, drumming, tool and snare making, identifying animal tracks and medicinal plants and camping into school programming. Elders, instructors, staff, and local artisans will be leading and assisting with the delivery of these cultural activities.
Khatinas.axh Community School – Teslin
Movement Based Classroom equipment $25,000
Equipment purchased will help students complete hands-on projects in the Tlingit room such as mitt making, caribou tufting and food preparation.
LDAY Centre for Learning – Yukon
Literacy Tutoring $10,000
LDAY’s Literacy Tutoring takes place after-school, evenings and weekends during the school year. In the summer they offer literacy intensives where learners can access a trained literacy expert for a number of tutoring sessions during a one-month period. The Every Student, Every Day funds will help LDAY connect students in the Yukon to trained tutors.
Porter Creek Secondary School – Whitehorse
HOPE and ABEL Programs $15,000
The HOPE and ABEL programs are shared resource programs at Porter Creek Secondary School for neurodiverse and vulnerable students who have not had success in mainstream programming. These programs focus on functional life-skills and experiential learning. This project will fund practical field trip opportunities, such as cooking classes and mitt making.
Porter Creek Secondary School Council – Whitehorse
Rainbow Room Enhancements $9,250
The Rainbow Room provides a place where 2SLGBTQIA+ students and allies can come together to be supported, to work on important projects, be themselves and ready themselves for learning. This project aims to enhance the Rainbow Room space by making the environment more welcoming, comfortable and feel more like a place where students are at 'home'.
Robert Service School – Dawson City
STTEAM Implementation Strategy $15,000
Continued support for Robert Service School’s integrated STTEAM (science, technology, trades, engineering, arts and music) implementation strategy. Robert Service School, in partnership with Tr'ondek Hwech'in and their school community, are committed to 'Connecting Learners and Learning to People and Place'. Funding will be used for STTEAM classrooms such as the science lab, trade shops, music room, art room and foods kitchen.
Selkirk Elementary School – Whitehorse
Kicksleds $7,636
The goal of this project is to increase student attendance at Selkirk Elementary school, particularly among our vulnerable student population, by offering additional educational opportunities through the class-led use of kicksleds on and around school grounds, on the public trails leading from it along the river, etc.
St. Elias Community School – Haines Junction
Self-regulation and Mental Wellness $19,000
This project will address self-regulation, inclusion, mental wellness, and attendance concerns for students. Specifically, focusing on materials and equipment for attendance projects and self-regulation tools.
St. Francis of Assisi – Whitehorse
Table Tennis $1,500
Table Tennis is a fun and inclusive sport, this project will be to purchase an additional table tennis table for the school. This project gears toward the success of both attendance, mental health and happiness rates around for all of our students from various social, academic, cultural, ability backgrounds while breaking any potential barriers some face every day because of their differences.
St. Francis of Assisi – Whitehorse
Barrier-Free Music Program $10,000
A major by-product of having a thriving music program has been an increased attendance for at-risk students and students with a history of missing large amounts of days/classes per year. Funding would go towards purchasing additional instruments and adding an additional music room/rehearsal space with a proper sound system and sound treatment in the school.
Takhini Elementary School – Whitehorse
Mountain Biking - expanding to younger grades $15,000
Extend the broad and deep benefits mountain biking offers our older students to the younger students. The Ride for Focus program would fill the gap in the school’s bike stock for grades 1 to 4 students. This helps to keep our Takhini Elementary “Timberwolves on the Land” program accessible to all students and thereby allowing students of all sizes to bike with their peers.
Tantalus Community School – Carmacks
Attendance Initiatives $24,904
Create a youth and cultural space that youth can call their own. This funding will purchase arts and crafts materials to improve the attendance from the children who attend BGC Yukon programs. This project will also provide transportation and accommodations for students to attend sports teams, so they feel accepted into the school environment and want to attend school.
Teen Parent Centre – Whitehorse
Indigenous Art and Culture Programming $5,000
Provide local, community-based Indigenous Art and Culture programming to support young women, girls, and those identifying as women with hopes of supporting and improving learning outcomes, attendance and overall educational engagement. The focus is on a main project for students to learn how to make parkas with instruction from a trained local artist as well as smaller art projects which can support and promote mental wellness. By integrating cultural practices and mentorship through art programming, all students at the Teen Parent Centre will have opportunities to develop meaningful, healthy relationships, gain a strong sense of cultural identity, manage mental health and avoid harmful behaviours.
Teen Parent Centre – Whitehorse
Attendance Initiatives $6,000
Provide an incentive program to reward students with a 100 per cent attendance record, and those with 90 per cent and 80 per cent attendance, as becoming a parent brings financial stress. The rewards would be given with the idea of family in mind and promoting a positive lifestyle for the teen parents, as well as their child(ren).
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Krisandra Reid
Communications, Department of Education
Tara Christie
President, Victoria Gold Yukon Encouragement Society