Safer Schools Action Plan fall update

The Government of Yukon has completed 13 of the 23 commitments in the Safer Schools Action Plan, representing significant progress to address policy gaps and enhance safety and oversight across all Yukon schools and government departments. All 23 commitments in the plan are on track to be completed by spring 2023.

Since the last update in July, key milestones reached include:

  • completion of training and new requirements for all school-based staff on post-incident guidance and procedures for prevention, detection and reporting of serious incidents involving harm to students (action 10, 13 and 14); 
  • implementation of new onboarding practices for all school-based and administrative staff (action 12);
  • implementation of new policies and procedures for post-incident reporting requirements, including guidance for information sharing (actions 1, 6);
  • finalization of a new government-wide communications policy that outlines roles and responsibilities of the public service for leading internal and external communications related to critical incidents and emergencies (action 22); and
  • completion of actions 2, 3, 11, 18 and 20, which are focused on enhancing corporate guidance and leadership capacity across the organization to improve coordination and response management of critical incidents.

The Government of Yukon is continuing to undertake systemic changes to improve safety in all Yukon schools and all 23 commitments of the Safer Schools Action Plan are on track to implement by the spring of 2023.

There is nothing more important than the wellbeing, safety and protection of students when they are in our care. With the 2022-23 school year underway, I am pleased to report on the significant advancements in our work to implement the Safer Schools Action Plan. Teachers and all school-based staff have received training as well as guidance provided by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection to ensure schools are the safe, supportive places we need them to be for the Yukon’s youth. Additionally, new government policies and guidance mean all public servants are now better positioned to respond effectively to critical incidents wherever and whenever they may arise.

Premier Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • Le plan d’action, initialement préparé pour donner suite au rapport d’examen indépendant concernant la situation survenue à l’École élémentaire de Hidden Valley, aura pour effet de mieux protéger les élèves dans les établissements scolaires du territoire et améliorera la capacité du gouvernement d’intervenir efficacement en cas d’incidents critiques ou graves.

  • Le plan d’action contient 23 engagements en lien avec les sept recommandations du rapport d’examen indépendant. Les 23 engagements prévus dans le plan devraient être concrétisés d’ici le printemps 2023.

  • Le comité chargé d’assurer le suivi en ce qui a trait au plan d’action se compose des sous-ministres de l’Éducation, de la Justice, de la Santé et des Affaires sociales, de la Commission de la fonction publique, de la Direction de la condition féminine et de l’équité des genres et du Conseil exécutif.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Eilidh Fraser
Communications, Executive Council Office

Sophie Best
Communications, Education

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