Government of Yukon releases What We Heard report on resource roads regulation

The Government of Yukon has released a What We Heard report following engagement on the proposed modernized regulation for resource roads. This report highlights feedback on resource roads regulation from Yukon First Nations, Indigenous transboundary groups, industry, the public and other stakeholders. This feedback will inform the new regulations being developed to ensure resource roads are managed in a sustainable manner reflective of Yukoners’ values.

Yukoners who participated in the public engagement opportunity told the Government of Yukon the following.

  • They view the roads leading into the hinterland as a valuable public asset for Yukoners.
  • They were mostly opposed to existing roads being automatically re-designated as resource roads.
  • They believe current permitting and access control are inadequate, favouring managed access that supports environmental and heritage integrity.
  • They believe enforcement would be a good tool for monitoring environmental integrity and infractions on resource roads, emphasizing the need for the Government of Yukon to have the capacity to effectively enforce these rules.
  • They were mostly supportive of regulating resource roads and supported financial security requirements for resource roads.
  • Industry-affiliated respondents acknowledged the benefits of access controls but expressed concerns about the associated costs and liability implications.

The report focuses on key areas to address access, enforcement, financial security requirements and industry costs and liability.

The Government of Yukon is reviewing the feedback from the report with Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous governments and stakeholders, and considering amendments to the draft regulation.

The Government of Yukon expects to finalize the resource road regulation within the year and plans to review the regulation during the successor lands legislation process to ensure they are aligned.

Quick facts
  • Au printemps 2023, le gouvernement du Yukon a mené des consultations publiques sur le projet de règlement sur les routes d’accès aux ressources.

  • Il a sollicité les commentaires des Premières Nations, des parties intéressées et du public sur la gestion de l’accès, l’application de la réglementation, les exigences de garantie financière, et les coûts et responsabilités pour le secteur, des points rapportés dans la synthèse des résultats.

  • Les Premières Nations, les parties intéressées et le public avaient des avis variés concernant la manière la plus efficace de réglementer la construction, l’utilisation, l’entretien et la fermeture des nouvelles routes d’accès aux ressources.

  • A resource road is used to access minerals, mines, oil and gas, pits and quarries and renewable energy sources. These are not public roads.
  • Forest resource roads will not be affected by this resource road regulation. Forest resource roads are managed under the Forest Resources Act and Regulations.
  • The resource road regulation will guide the construction, use, maintenance and closure of new resource roads.
  • The Government of Yukon has been on a path to establishing a comprehensive resource roads regime under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act since the initial publication of the Resource Access Roads Framework in 2013.
  • Public engagement and consultation took place in 2014, 2018 and 2023. The input received in 2014 and 2018 helped guide the writing of the draft resource roads regulation.
  • The drafting of a final Resource Roads Regulation was delayed in 2021 due to the identification and development of amendments required to the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. These amendments were implemented during the fall 2021 sitting of the Legislative Assembly.
Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


Kate Erwin
Energy, Mines and Resources Communications

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