School bus routes available for 2024–25 school year

Whitehorse school bus routes for the 2024–25 school year can be found online. People registering on time has made it easier to plan effective bus routes.

Families who registered for the bus by June 14 received an email with their assigned bus route last week. Families who registered before the deadline and did not receive an email should contact or call 867-667-5172.

Applications submitted after the June 14 deadline will be reviewed and assigned to routes based on available space. These late registrations are now being processed and applicants can expect an email with more information in the coming weeks.  The school bus routes online are subject to change before the beginning of school. People should review the routes before the first day of school to confirm pick up and drop off locations and times. The routes may be adjusted throughout the year and families will receive email notifications if their route is affected.

School bus drivers will provide students with a school bus tag during the first week of school that includes their school bus number.

Special requests, such as riding the bus to somewhere other than a child’s home address, are considered at the start of the new school year. Families will hear back about special requests by September 4, 2024.

Quick facts
  • Les familles à l’extérieur de Whitehorse doivent contacter leur école directement pour s’informer sur les possibilités de transport scolaire.

  • Pour vous inscrire aux alertes My School Bus Monitor par courriel concernant les retards d’autobus scolaires, consultez le site

  • Les inscriptions tardives seront prises en compte en fonction des parcours déjà établis. Pour connaître la marche à suivre, consultez le

  • Plutôt que d’utiliser le transport scolaire, les élèves du secondaire peuvent choisir de se procurer un laissez-passer de transport public gratuit, mais ils ne peuvent pas demander les deux. Une fois l’inscription envoyée, un courriel de confirmation contenant plus d’informations sera envoyé.

  • Pour demander un changement de parcours, écrivez à ou téléphonez au 867-667-5172.

Media contact

Amanda Dieckmann
Communications, Education

News release #:
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