Putting People First

The road map to creating a health and social system that serves the needs of Yukoners better.

Putting People First report

In 2019, the Government of Yukon started a review of our health and social programs and services. We learned that while the current system is strong, it can get better. This review led to the development of the Putting People First report.

Many Yukoners contributed to this report, including:

  • Health care professionals;
  • Social services professionals;
  • community organizations;
  • Yukon government staff;
  • non-governmental organizations; and
  • First Nations governments.

Based on their input, we made 76 recommendations. These recommendations will guide our work to transform the current system. They focus on:

  • collaborating with Yukon First Nations on health outcomes, cultural safety and traditional healing;
  • partnering with communities and people with lived experiences to get their input;
  • bridging the gap between government and other organizations and sectors;
  • improving systems to create more holistic and integrated care; and
  • continuous evaluation of data and community input to improve services. 

Read more about these engagements in the What We Heard: Phase I and What We Heard: Phase II reports.


 Download Putting People First 2023 annual report

Where we are now

Our new health and social services system will be:

  • integrated;
  • collaborative; and
  • person-centred.

Our vision for the future

We aim to build a system that is inclusive, cooperative, and promotes equality. Learn more about the future of health in the Yukon.

Putting People First recommendations

As of December 2023:

  • 68 recommendations are operational or in progress; and
  • 8 recommendations have not yet started.

Health and Wellness Yukon

To show the link between health and total wellbeing, we're naming the health authority:

  • “Shäw Kwä’ą” in Southern Tutchone;
  • “Health and Wellness Yukon” in English; and
  • “Santé et mieux-être Yukon” in French.

Shäw Kwä’ą

Supporting reports and documents

How other jurisdictions have transformed their systems:

If you have any questions or comments, contact the Health Systems Transformation Team.