Ta'tla Mun Special Management Area


The Ta’tla Mun Special Management Area is 40 km southeast of Pelly Crossing in the south central Yukon, in the Traditional Territory of the Selkirk First Nation. The area encompasses all the freshwater habitat in and around the lake locally referred to as “Ta’tla Mun” or “Tatlmain Lake.” The area covers 33.8 km2 and is about 23 km long. Several small islands are in the Ta’tla Mun Special Management Area. All but one are in the narrows of the west arm of the lake.

Historically, Ta’tla Mun was a core area of traditional use by the Northern Tutchone people. Archeological evidence shows several thousand years of human occupation. Stone tools suggest people first came to the area soon after glacial ice sheets melted about 8,000 to 10,000 years ago.

There are 27 prehistoric sites along the Ta’tla Mun shoreline. The Mica Creek outlet was the location of a large fishing village where people would gather in late fall to net spawning whitefish. The abundance of fish within Ta’tla Mun meant larger family groups could stay there throughout the winter. They caught whitefish in dragnets, in fish traps, or speared them with gaffs. They also used nets and hooks through the ice at the lake narrows.

The boundary of the Ta’tla Mun Special Management Area includes all surface waters within the high water mark of the lake. The area became established as a Special Management Area after the signing of the Selkirk First Nation Final Agreement in 1997.

Management plan


To implement the vision established in Chapter 10, Schedule B of the Selkirk First Nation Final Agreement to ensure conservation of Ta’tla Mun lake.


  • Ensure conservation in the management and use of the freshwater fish resources and their habitat in the lake known as Ta’tla Mun.
  • Enhance and promote the full participation of the Selkirk First Nation and Selkirk people in the management of the freshwater fish resources in Ta’tla Mun.
  • Integrate the relevant knowledge and experience of both Selkirk people and the scientific communities in respect of Ta’tla Mun in order to achieve conservation.
  • Recognize the importance of Ta’tla Mun to Selkirk people and to protect the use of Ta’tla Mun by Selkirk people.
  • Facilitate the priority of the freshwater fish food needs of Selkirk people over other uses of Ta’tla Mun.
  • Provide quality sport fishing opportunities in Ta’tla Mun.
  • Deal fairly with all users of Ta’tla Mun.


The Selkirk First Nation and the Government of Yukon approved the Ta'tla Mun Special Management Area management plan in 2013.

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