Travel expense report for the Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference meeting/Ministers of Agriculture meeting, July 14 to 18, 2019

Department: Economic Development

Location: Cranbrook, British Colombia/Quebec City, Quebec

Purpose of the trip: Minister Pillai joined colleagues from across the country at the annual Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference in Cranbrook to discuss shared priorities for collaborative action to advance energy and mining development.  This year’s theme focused on competitiveness and innovation.

Minister Pillai then went on to attend the annual meeting of Canada’s agriculture ministers on July 18 and 19 in Quebec City. The future of local agriculture, the priorities of young farmers and employment labour programs were among the agenda items. The recently announced Food Policy for Canada was also on the agenda, with discussions focused on encouraging food sovereignty in remote communities in Yukon and across the North. 



  • Ranj Pillai, Minister 
  • Kim Stavert, Executive Assistant 


Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,214.39
Accommodation: $1,770.19
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $822.92

Total costs for this trip: $4,807.50

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Ranj Pillai (July 14 to 20) 

Airfare: $1,529.43
Accommodation: $1,368.64
Other: $517.87
Total: $3,415.94

Kim Stavert  (July 14 to 17)  

Airfare: $684.96
Accommodation: $401.55
Other: $305.05
Total: $1,391.56




Find more Minister travel expense reports.

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