Travel expense report for Mining Industry meetings, September 12 to 17, 2017

Department: Economic Development
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Purpose of this trip: Economic Development Minister Ranj Pillai travelled on an investment mission to Toronto with Premier Sandy Silver, Chief of Staff David Morrison and Executive Assistant to the Premier Emily Farrell. The Minister and Premier met with leaders of the mining and exploration community, investors, fund managers, industry associations and media to promote investment opportunities in Yukon.


  • Sandy Silver, Premier
  • Ranj Pillai, Minister of Economic Development
  • David Morrison, Chief of Staff, Cabinet Office
  • Emily Farrell, Executive Assistant
  • Kim Stavert, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $7,001.62
Accommodation: $5,501.35
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $1,856.69

Total costs for this trip: $14,359.66

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Sandy Silver (September 12 to 16) 

Airfare: $1,992.96
Accommodation: $1,194.39
Other: $380.25
Total: $3,567.60

Minister Ranj Pillai (September 15 to 17) 

Airfare: $409.48
Accommodation: $1,040.55
Other: $548.43
Total: $1,998.46

David Morrison (September 13 to 16) 

Airfare: $2,330.44
Accommodation: $1,209.97
Other: $295.50
Total: $3,835.91

Emily Farrell (September 13 to 16) 

Airfare: $1,859.26
Accommodation: $1,015.89
Other: $273.20
Total: $3,148.35

Kim Stavert (September 15 to 17) 

Airfare: $409.48
Accommodation: $1,040.55
Other: $359.31
Total: $1,809.34

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