Travel expense report for Yukon Days, February 2 to 9, 2018

Department: Executive Council Office
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Purpose of this trip: Yukon Days is an annual event in Ottawa. It consists of a reception and series of meetings between Government of Yukon, Government of Canada and Yukon First Nations. Premier Silver and Government of Yukon Ministers were joined by a delegation of First Nations Chiefs for Yukon Days meetings in Ottawa. Together they worked to advance the territory’s issues and joint agenda with federal officials.

Priorities discussed include the dissolution of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the Porcupine Caribou herd and topics around the environment, tourism, housing and child welfare. Goals that have emerged from the Yukon Forum Joint Action Plan were also addressed.

Key meetings included:

  • Minister Carolyn Bennett, Premier Sandy Silver Minister Ranj Pillai, Grand Chief Peter Johnston and Chief Roberta Joseph discussed the split of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada into Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada with a focus on how that change will affect Yukon.
  • Minister Maryam Monsef, Minister Jeanie Dendys and Chief Doris Bill met about the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
  • Minister Jane Philpott, Premier Sandy Silver, Minister Pauline Frost, Grand Chief Peter Johnston and Chief Doris Bill spoke about child welfare.

More than ten other official meetings with various federal ministers were held on topics that ranged from health concerns of cannabis use, the opioid crisis, First Nation skill development, infrastructure funding for communities, and Yukon River salmon.

The wide variety of subjects allowed the delegation to offer federal ministers insights into Yukon challenges and the territory’s own solutions. The meetings will foster collaboration between all governments.


  • Sandy Silver, Premier
  • Ranj Pillai, Minister
  • Tracy McPhee, Minister
  • John Streicker, Minister
  • Pauline Frost, Minister
  • Jeanie Dendys, Minister
  • David Morrison, Chief of Staff, Cabinet Office
  • Emily Farrell, Executive Assistant
  • Kathleen Smith, Exucitve Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $14,476.71
Accommodation: $11,531.87
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $4,309.71

Total costs for this trip: $30,318.29

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Sandy Silver (February 1 to 7) 

Airfare: $1,281.09
Accommodation: $1,929.67
Other: $588.80
Total: $3,769.56

Minister Ranj Pillai (February 3 to 9) 

Airfare: $1,800.53
Accommodation: $1,555.14
Other: $701.18
Total: $4,056.85

Minister Tracy McPhee (February 4 to 7) 

Airfare: $878.62
Accommodation: $772.11
Other: $340.31
Total: $1,991.04

Minister John Streicker (February 3 to 5) 

Airfare: $994.96
Accommodation: $293.20
Other: $183.25
Total: $1.471.41

Minister Pauline Frost (February 3 to 9)

Airfare: $1,298.05
Accommodation: $1,544.22
Other: $650.21
Total: $3,492.48

Minister Jeanie Dendys (February 3 to 7)

Airfare: $1,355.96
Accommodation: $1,029.48
Other: $337.10
Total: $2,722.54

David Morisson (February 1 to 7)

Airfare: $1,797.40
Accommodation: $1,812.51
Other: $548.80
Total: $4,158.71

Emily Farrell (February 1 to 7) 

Airfare: $2,505.23
Accommodation: $1,297.77
Other: $534.66
Total: $4,337.66

Kathleen Smith (February 2 to 7)

Airfare: $2,564.87
Accommodation: $1,297.77
Other: $455.40
Total: $4,318.04

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