Travel expense report for Opportunities North, September 11 to 14, 2017

Department: Economic Development
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Purpose of this trip: Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai represented Yukon government at Opportunities North, an annual joint initiative of the Edmonton Northern Partnership and the Edmonton, Northwest Territories, and Yukon Chambers of Commerce, focused on northern issues and opportunities. This year’s Opportunities North events focused on agriculture, business growth, health, innovation and reconciliation. This year marks the 60th anniversary of Opportunities North.

Due to other commitments, Minister Pillai was unable to stay for the entirety of the conference. Mathieya Alatini attended the remainder of the conference on his behalf.


  • Ranj Pillai, Minister of Economic Development 
  • Mathieya Alatini, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Cabinet Offices
  • Kim Stavert, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $965.08
Accommodation: $1,124.24
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $1,427.25

Total costs for this trip: $3,516.57

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Ranj Pillai (September 11 to 12) 

Airfare: $279.17
Accommodation: $312.12
Other: $278.05
Total: $869.34

Mathieta Alatini (September 12 to 14) 

Airfare: $392.74
Accommodation: $500.00
Other: $825.95
Total: $1,718.69

Kim Stavert (September 11 to 12) 

Airfare: $293.17
Accommodation: $312.12
Other: $323.25
Total: $928.54

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