Yukon Forum focuses on COVID-19

Joint news release with the Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations governments

Yukon’s Premier, Cabinet members, Council of Yukon First Nation’s Grand Chief and Yukon First Nations Chiefs met virtually today for the Yukon Forum.

The meeting focused on how the governments can work together to respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders discussed health and social supports, the economy, education, treaty rights, and Yukon’s comprehensive reopening strategy, which will be unveiled tomorrow.

Close communication between governments is absolutely critical as we navigate Yukon through this pandemic. The respectful relationships we have built with our First Nations partners through the Yukon Forum have put us in a very strong position to respond collaboratively to keep Yukoners safe. This was a timely meeting to discuss how we will work together to prevent the spread of this virus, support citizens and plan for economic recovery.

Premier Sandy Silver

Keeping our communities and citizens safe is the top concern among Yukon First Nations leaders. Today, we found common ground with our Government of Yukon counterparts on how to move successfully forward with healthcare, education and economic plans in light of the ongoing pandemic.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Quick facts
  • Le Forum du Yukon rassemble des responsables politiques du gouvernement territorial, des gouvernements autochtones et du Conseil des Premières nations du Yukon.

  • Le Forum se tient quatre fois par année.

  • Il s’agissait de la 14e édition du forum depuis la signature de la déclaration intergouvernementale Working Together en janvier 2017.

  • Au fil des interventions entourant la pandémie, il y a eu des échanges d’informations fréquents et réguliers entre les ministres de la Santé et de l’Éducation, les chefs et les représentants des Premières nations, le médecin hygiéniste en chef et les responsables des relations avec les Autochtones et des services aux collectivités au sein du ministère de l’Éducation.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Aboriginal Relations, Executive Council Office

Juliann Fraser
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations

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