Yukon Forum discussions include health and social services reforms and COVID-19 economic recovery

Joint news release with the Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations governments

Yukon’s Premier, Cabinet members, Council of Yukon First Nation’s Grand Chief and Yukon First Nations Chiefs met today for the Yukon Forum. Today’s Forum was a blended in-person and virtual meeting held at the Carcross Learning Centre.

The leaders discussed a number of issues including COVID-19 and economic recovery, off-road vehicle regulation, the Putting People First Plan, Yukon River salmon, land use planning and missing, and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit individuals.

Today’s Forum highlighted the new normal that all of our governments are facing in this pandemic. While we continue to manage through unprecedented times the work of our governments must carry on. The Yukon Forum is an important venue for deep collaboration between Yukon government and First Nations governments. The relationships we have built through regular meetings of the Yukon Forum have helped as we navigate through these new challenges together.

Premier Sandy Silver

Our first in-person Yukon Forum since February was an opportunity to reconnect with our political counterparts to address ongoing Yukon First Nations’ priorities. Today’s discussions allowed us to discuss healthcare, salmon and how to move forward economically during the pandemic.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Yukon First Nations and governments have come together to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic for the safety of all our citizens, and we will continue to do so. The Yukon Forum is a positive opportunity to engage in dialogue and work for the benefit of our future generations. Carcross/Tagish First Nation is proud to host this forum on the backdrop of our traditional territory.

Carcross/Tagish First Nation Kaa Shadé Hení Lynda Dickson

Quick facts
  • Le Forum du Yukon rassemble des responsables politiques du gouvernement territorial, des gouvernements autochtones et du Conseil des Premières nations du Yukon.

  • Le Forum a lieu quatre fois par année.

  • Il s’agit de la 15e édition du Forum depuis la signature de la déclaration intergouvernementale Working Together, en janvier 2017.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Aboriginal Relations, Executive Council Office

Juliann Fraser
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations

Stewart Burnett
Communications Advisor, Carcross/Tagish First Nation

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