Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations leaders reconfirm their commitment to collaboration at the Yukon Forum

Joint news release with the Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations governments

Today, Premier Sandy Silver and his Cabinet, Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston and the Yukon First Nations Chiefs met for the first Yukon Forum of 2021. The leaders discussed their joint priorities for the coming years and reconfirmed their commitment to advancing these priorities through the Yukon Forum and its working groups, guided by the 2017 Working Together Declaration.

Leaders also discussed the importance working in partnership to address the legacy of residential schools in the Yukon, including an investigation of all former residential school grounds in the territory.

The Yukon Forum continues to be a pillar of our collaborative efforts with Yukon First Nations. We made significant progress during our previous mandate and today was an opportunity to discuss our shared priorities to make sure that important work continues.  Our government remains committed to working in partnership with First Nations to advance reconciliation and improve the quality of life of all Yukoners. 

Premier Sandy Silver 

Yukon First Nations welcomed the reconvening of the Yukon Forum following the recent territorial election. The timely gathering was an opportunity to confirm shared priorities going-forward and pick up to discuss ongoing initiatives.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Quick facts
  • Le Forum du Yukon rassemble des responsables politiques du gouvernement territorial, des gouvernements autochtones et du Conseil des Premières nations du Yukon.

  • Le Forum se réunit quatre fois par année.

  • Il s’agit de la 17e édition depuis la signature de la déclaration intergouvernementale Working Together en janvier 2017.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Aboriginal Relations, Executive Council Office

Lael Lund
Communications Manager, Council of Yukon First Nations
P: 867-393-9200 ext. 9223 C: 867-335-3227

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