Leaders discuss joint priorities, Yukon Days at final Yukon Forum of 2022

This is a joint news release with the Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations governments.

Today Premier Sandy Silver and his Cabinet, Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston and Yukon First Nations Chiefs met in Carcross for the Yukon Forum. This was the final Yukon Forum in 2022 and the 23rd Yukon Forum since the Working Together Declaration was signed in January 2017.

Leaders discussed the Wildlife Act, the recent proposed changes to the Oil and Gas Act, the Yukon Forum Joint Priority Action Plan and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action. Leaders tasked their senior officials to review and recommend updates to the Joint Priority Action Plan to guide the ongoing collaborative efforts of the Yukon Forum.

Leaders also discussed this year’s Yukon Days, a series of trilateral meetings in Ottawa with the Premier, Yukon ministers, Yukon First Nations Chiefs, and federal ministers to discuss Yukon priorities. This year’s Yukon Days meetings will take place on December 5 and 6, 2022

Today was my last Yukon Forum as Premier and I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished. When we signed the Working Together Declaration in 2017, we set out to make the Forum a place for meaningful and frank conversations about how to govern the Yukon collaboratively for the benefit of all Yukoners. Building respectful government-to-government relationships has fostered unprecedented collaboration between the Yukon government and Yukon First Nations for the benefit of all Yukoners. The Yukon Forum is reconciliation in action and I know that the foundation we have built together will carry forward into the future. I look forward to bringing our united voice to our upcoming Yukon Days meetings with federal ministers to ensure Yukon priorities are heard at the national level.

Premier Sandy Silver

The Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations are pleased to join the Yukon government for another Yukon Forum. Ongoing discussions that take place at Yukon Forum provide an invaluable opportunity for Yukon First Nations and Yukon government to discuss priorities and to identify opportunities to work in collaboration on matters of importance to Yukon First Nations.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Quick facts
  • Le Forum du Yukon rassemble des responsables politiques du gouvernement territorial, des gouvernements autochtones et du Conseil des Premières Nations du Yukon.

  • C’était la 23e rencontre du Forum du Yukon depuis la signature de la déclaration Working Together, en janvier 2017.

  • Les membres du Conseil des ministres du gouvernement yukonnais et les chefs des Premières Nations du Yukon rencontreront les ministres fédéraux lors des réunions annuelles des Journées du Yukon les 5 et 6 décembre 2022.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Communications, Aboriginal Relations


Lael Lund
Communications Manager, Council of Yukon First Nations

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