Leaders met for Yukon Forum and retreat in Haines Junction

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon, the Council of Yukon First Nations and Yukon First Nations governments.

Today Premier Ranj Pillai and his Cabinet, Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston and Yukon First Nations Chiefs met at the Da Kų Cultural Centre in Haines Junction for the Yukon Forum.

Leaders discussed what action can be taken together to address the Substance Use Health Emergency. Leaders also discussed the Yukon’s pressing energy needs, including the potential for connection to the British Columbia electrical grid and the collaboration required to advance this project. The Forum also included a leadership retreat focused on candid conversations, relationship-building and networking.

It was a privilege to meet with First Nations leadership on the Traditional Territory of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations at my first Yukon Forum since becoming Premier. Today’s productive meetings served as an opportunity for us to continue to strengthen our relationships and discuss the collaborative action needed to address the Yukon’s most pressing challenges, including the Substance Use Health Emergency and addressing our future clean energy needs.

Premier Ranj Pillai

The Council of Yukon First Nations is pleased to be in Dakwakada/Haines Junction to participate in the Yukon Forum with Yukon First Nations and Yukon Government. We continue to discuss collective priorities including the opioid crisis disproportionately impacting Yukon First Nations communities.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Quick facts
  • Le Forum du Yukon réunit des leaders du gouvernement du Yukon, des gouvernements des Premières Nations du Yukon et du Conseil des Premières Nations du Yukon.

  • Depuis la signature de la déclaration Working Together en janvier 2017, 24 rencontres ont eu lieu dans le cadre du Forum du Yukon.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Communications, Aboriginal Relations


Lael Lund
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations

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