The Government of Yukon releases Yukon Health Status Report 2022

The Government of Yukon has tabled the 2022 Health Status Report in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The comprehensive report is issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health every three years and updated annually. This update provides additional information on communicable diseases and immunizations in the Yukon.

The first section of the report outlines vaccination coverage in the Yukon. Notably, early childhood vaccination rates have remained consistently high. Data on flu and COVID-19 vaccinations show that uptake was high early in the pandemic. Uptake of subsequent doses was lower but remained high among older Yukoners who are at higher risk.  

The second section of the report centres on communicable and sexually transmitted diseases in the territory as of December 2022. The findings reveal that COVID-19 remained the most frequently detected respiratory infection in the Yukon. The data also shows a rising trend in syphilis rates in the territory.

The insights from this report will guide the Government of Yukon in developing policies and programs grounded in evidence-based research, addressing the health and wellness needs of Yukoners.

The next comprehensive Health Status Report will be published in 2025.

The 2022 Health report underscores the importance of preventive measures, notably vaccinations, in safeguarding the health of Yukoners. The findings will be used in future planning to help ensure the continued delivery of health programs to support Yukoners across the territory.


Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

This report contains updated information on communicable diseases and immunizations. I hope that the findings will be used to understand the trends in these areas, as well as for purposeful decision-making for health policies, programs and services. 

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Sudit Ranade

Quick facts
  • Des rapports sur la surveillance des maladies respiratoires sont publiés tout au long de l’année, et leur fréquence augmente pendant la saison typique des maladies respiratoires.

  • Les taux de vaccination des jeunes enfants au Yukon restent élevés.

  • La COVID-19 était l’infection respiratoire la plus répandue au Yukon en 2022.

  • Le prochain rapport complet sur la santé sera publié en 2025.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Zachary Burke
Online Communications and Product Analyst, Health and Social Services

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