Travel expense report for Asian mission, September 7 to September 24, 2023


Vancouver, Tokyo, Trivandrum, Delhi


Executive Council Office

Purpose of the trip

Premier Ranj Pillai, and support staff Jason Cunning and Aurora Bicudo, embarked on the trip to Asia to develop partnerships to address health and human resource challenges, promote innovation and collaboration in critical minerals and technology, create lasting relationships that will increase business investment in the Yukon and increase tourism from Asia. To cultivate strong people-to-people relationships to unlock new avenues for health care recruitment and business opportunities for Yukoners.


  • Ranj Pillai, Premier
  • Aurora Bicudo, Advisor
  • Jason Cunning, Support Staff

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $16,782.32
Accommodation: $11,801.93
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $8,712.38

Total costs for this trip: $37,295.63

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Ranj Pillai 

Airfare: $5,416.80
Accommodation: $5,010.32
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $4,929.01

Total costs for this trip: $15,356.13

Aurora Bicudo 

Airfare: $5,449.31
Accommodation: $3,215.32
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $2,920.72

Total costs for this trip: $11,585.35

Jason Cunning

Airfare: $5,916.21
Accommodation: $3,576.28
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $861.66

Total costs for this trip: $10,354.15

Find more Minister travel expense reports.

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