Temporary pause on Whitehorse-based Yukon Nominee Program applications

This news release has been updated with contact information for individuals or business owners with questions. 

Effectively immediately, the Government of Yukon is putting a temporary pause on the intake of Whitehorse-based applications for the Yukon Nominee Program. This measure aims to streamline efforts in processing existing applications. The program will continue to accept applications for nominees in Yukon rural communities.  

The temporary suspension of applications from Whitehorse is a proactive measure to manage the current volume of submissions. The Yukon Nominee Program has received 590 applications between January 1 to May 6, 2024. As of May 6, the branch has processed 107 of these nominations, leaving 483 applications pending processing. This surpasses the 430 nominee allocation set by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada – IRCC for the Yukon for 2024. By pausing the intake of applications, resources can be directed toward processing existing applicants and minimizing delays.

The Government of Yukon is committed to ensuring the Yukon Nominee Program is sustainable for the Yukon’s long-term immigration and labour market goals. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by businesses in rural Yukon communities when hiring workers, continued acceptance of applications from these regions is crucial in addressing their local labour needs.

Existing prioritization criteria will remain in place to help ensure that businesses relying on the program can continue their essential operations. The Government of Yukon expects to resume application intake from Whitehorse employers in 2025. Individuals or business owners with questions about how these changes may impact them can contact yukon.nominee@yukon.ca for more information.

The Yukon Nominee Program is an excellent way for Yukon businesses to expand their workforce and enable newcomers to Canada to make the Yukon home. Despite the pause in Whitehorse, our team is diligently working on processing existing applications and continues to accept those to support rural Yukon. Our government is committed to providing and supporting essential initiatives to meet the needs of our growing territory and build a strong, sustainable economy.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Le Programme territorial de candidature à l’immigration est un programme axé sur les employeurs qui sert à pourvoir des postes essentiels dans le territoire. 

  • Le délai de traitement d’une demande est généralement de 12 à 14 semaines.

  • Les délais de traitement varient en fonction du nombre de demandes reçues et de leur complexité. Le délai de traitement moyen est de 89 jours.

  • Les critères de priorité sont publiés sur le site yukon.ca. Le Programme territorial de candidature à l’immigration traite actuellement les demandes selon l’ordre de priorité suivant :

    1. Les titulaires d’un permis de travail qui arrive à échéance.
    2. Les titulaires d’un visa de séjour qui sont déjà au Canada.
    3. Les titulaires d’un permis de travail qui arrive à échéance d’ici un an.
    4. Les personnes qui sont actuellement à l’extérieur du Canada.
Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Saskrita Shrestha
Communications, Economic Development

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