Travel expense report for the Francophone Immigration Forum, March 29 to April 1, 2017

Department: French Language Services Directorate
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Purpose of this trip: Minister Streicker attended the Francophone Immigration Forum and met with federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for the Canadian Francophonie and immigration.


John Streicker, Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $1,928.96
Accommodation: $123 
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $328.50

Total costs for this trip: $2,380.46

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister John Streicker (March 29 to April 1)

Airfare: $1,928.96
Accommodation: $123
Other: $328.50
Total: $2,380.46

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