Travel expense report for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities AGM, Annual Conference and Trade Show, June 2 to 4, 2017

Department: Community Services
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Purpose of this trip: Minister Streicker attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual General Meeting, Conference and Trade Show during this trip. The conference theme was Canada's cities and communities, the challenges and opportunities local governments face and the role they play in shaping Canada's future.


  • John Streicker, Minister of Community Services

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $1,145.96 
Accommodation: $259.00
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $187.75

Total costs for this trip: $1,592.71

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister John Streicker (June 2 to 4)

Airfare: $1,145.96
Accommodation: $259.00
Other: $187.75
Total: $1,592.71

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