Travel expense report for the Council of the Federation meeting, June 5 to 8, 2017

Department: Executive Council Office
Location: Washington, DC
Purpose of this trip: Council of the Federation chair Premier Sandy Silver led meetings in Washington. Meetings focused on environmental issues and infrastructure. This included topics such as trade, energy, border security, agriculture and softwood lumber matters.


  • Sandy Silver, Premier
  • David Morrison, Chief of Staff, Cabinet Office
  • Sunny Patch, Director of Communications, Cabinet Office
  • Emily Farrell, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $9,177.34
Accommodation: $11,168.91
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $2,522.51

Total costs for this trip: $22,868.76

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Sandy Silver (June 3 to 9) 

Airfare: $2,257.59
Accommodation: $2,603.02
Other: $492.59
Total: $5,353.20

David Morrison (June 2 to 9) 

Airfare: $2,303.11
Accommodation: $3,213.71
Other: $868.33
Total: $6,385.15

Sunny Patch (June 3 to 9) 

Airfare: $2,315.32
Accommodation: $2,690.90
Other: $495.38
Total: $5,501.60

Emily Farrell (June 3 to 9) 

Airfare: $2,301.32
Accommodation: $2,661.28
Other: $666.21
Total: $5,628.81

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