Travel expense report for the Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference, August 12 to 16, 2017

Department: Energy, Mines and Resources
Location: St. Andrews, New Brunswick
Purpose of this trip: Minister Pillai represented the Government of Yukon at this annual gathering of federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for energy and mining portfolios.


  • Ranj Pillai, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources
  • Kim Stavert, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $4,952.20
Accommodation: $1,751.26
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $2,259.68

Total costs for this trip: $8,963.14

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Ranj Pillai (August 11 to 16) 

Airfare: $2,997.24
Accommodation: $839.88
Other: $1,875.53
Total: $5,712.65

Kim Stavert (August 12 to 16) 

Airfare: $1,954.96
Accommodation: $911.38
Other: $384.15
Total: $3,250.49

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