Travel expense report for the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting of Ministers responsible for Culture and Heritage, August 20 to 24, 2017

Department: Tourism and Culture
Location: Orford, Quebec
Purpose of this trip: Minister Dendys attended this annual meeting of federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for culture and heritage.


  • Jeanie Dendys, Minister of Tourism and Culture
  • Jessie Stephen, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,987.24
Accommodation: $ 904.34                                                                                    
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $1,448.38

Total costs for this trip: $5,339.96

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Jeanie Dendys (August 20 to 24) 

Airfare: $1,457.62
Accommodation: $467.89
Other: $1,089.78
Total: $3,015.29

Jessie Stephen (August 20 to 24) 

Airfare: $1,529.62
Accommodation: $436.45
Other: $358.60
Total: $2,324.67

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