Emergencies and safety Prescribed burning

Prescribed fire planning for Stewart Crossing to reduce wildfire risk

By hritchie
July 9, 2024

Ignitions specialists from Yukon Wildland Fire are preparing a burn plan for a prescribed fire of two defined areas north of the Wrong Lake fire (MA-006).

With ground and aircraft support, wildland firefighters would burn off two areas of forest south of the community of Stewart Crossing. The objective of the planned ignition would be to remove thick, burnable spruce in a controlled manner and create strategic fuel breaks directly adjacent to the community. This would help reduce future risk of wildfire.

Any burn operation is prepared by ignitions specialists with careful planning and consideration of the forest fuels and weather conditions. Extensive groundwork has happened over the past several days with the help of BC Wildfire crews.

There is potential for the operation to take place later this summer or fall, depending on appropriate site and weather conditions. Yukon Wildland Fire Management will notify the public at that time.

In all wildfire activities, the first priority is always safety. Planned ignitions must provide for the safety of personnel, the public and nearby values such as homes and infrastructure. This operation would be supported with appropriate resources, such as aircraft, heavy equipment and firefighters.

Prescribed fire is the planned and controlled application of fire to an area to achieve a specific objective. Read more information on fuel management.

Yukon Protective Services will continue to provide updates on Yukon.ca and social media. Visit wildfires.service.yukon.ca to see the locations, size and control status of all Yukon wildfires. Visit 511yukon.ca for real time updates on road impacts.


Fire Information Officer, Wildland Fire Management
867-393-7415 or YukonFireInfo@yukon.ca


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