Your government User research and usability testing

What do people want to do on the government’s website?

This post is older than 6 months.
By sdbergqu
January 24, 2018

Our new government website,, will be organized by the information users look for most on our website. We ran our first-ever Government of Yukon top tasks website study in spring 2015. Up until this time, we were doing our best to determine what information and services were important to our users and this information was posted on the website. 
1,439 Yukoners participated in the top tasks survey. They were most interested in the following tasks:

  • finding and applying on Government of Yukon jobs;
  • contacting government;
  • camping, parks and wildlife viewing;
  • news and events; and
  • schools and colleges.

Following these results, we updated the current government website with the information Yukoners we tested deemed most important, using the tools we had at hand.
In summer 2017 we ran another website survey to learn more about tasks important to Yukoners to validate our 2015 findings and ensure the findings are current. 137 Yukoners participated in the survey.
This survey showed us that users expect to be able to get a license or permit online and apply for services online.
69% of participants answered an optional question about why it was important to them to be able to complete tasks online. Respondents provided answers like 'efficient' and 'convenient', and ‘no travel needed’ and ‘can access on my schedule.’
The topics of most interest to Yukoners out of our summer 2017 survey were:

  • health and wellbeing;
  • parks and recreation;
  • jobs and training; and
  • recycling and waste.

Participants struggled with finding information and services on the government website due to poor experiences with the website search, too much information, duplicate information and the lack of online services.
The insights gleaned from these surveys helped determine which topics and tasks should be highlighted and organized on the homepage of the new government website.
Moving forward, we know that we are organizing in a way that makes sense to Yukoners and helps them accomplish their tasks and find the information they need on our website.
Contact for more information.


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