Your government What we're working on

What we're working on: summer and fall 2023

This post is older than 6 months.
By sdbergqu
November 15, 2023

In typical Canadian fashion I'm leading off with an apology. I completly missed our team's quarterly update from this past summer so I’ve combined it with our fall update. 

For anyone new to these posts, I am part of the eServices for Citizens team. We work with departments and program areas to deliver public-facing digital services and websites. 

In many cases we do not lead these projects. We're committed to writing these update posts so anyone interested can take a look and see what types of projects we’re working on. 

Comment below or email if you have any questions about these projects.


Better to know

This website has been live for a few years and it has focused content to answer sexual health and relationship questions. The team is starting to work on a plan to update the information and refresh the site.

Elections Yukon website

The Elections Yukon team have completed some user research and they are working on restructuring and rewriting much of their website content. We’ll provide an update once they get through this huge piece of work.

There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes on

The first piece is migrating the website from Drupal 7 to 10. This is a massive project and we're working with vendors and stakeholders to test and roll out the update. We’re aiming to complete the bulk of this work next summer.

The second piece of work centers on planning. The team have been planning out features and enhancements on the product roadmap. The roadmap guides our work for the next three years and aligns the various project teams so we are working toward the same goals.

As soon as we launch the website in Drupal 10, we're going to pick up our work on the search. We’ll start by retesting the top task searches to see if the upgrade has improved the overall experience. And if it does not, we’ve got a plan to address it right away.

We’ll also be working with a vendor to complete an assessment and review of It’s been several years since we launched the website. In that time, we’ve made improvements and prioritized work based on additional user research, website analytics and user feedback. Now it’s time to complete an external review by a UX professional. The goal of this work is to find out where is working for users and where we should focus our attention on improving it. We expect to undertake this work this fiscal year.

Yukon Immunize website

This updated website launched in May. You can take a look and share your feedback.

Yukon Public Libraries website

Yukon Public Libraries launched their new catalog tool over the summer. They are continuing work on their brand new website, which is expected by the end of the year.

Yukon Water Board website

The project team is continuing work on the redesign of their current website. Their launch has been pushed until the end of the year.

Open government

Sean Boots has joined our team as the Open government program manager. He is working on a separate update post and we’ll publish it as soon as it’s finalized.

Transactional services

We’re working with departments to deliver the following digital services.

Citizen-centred service delivery

We’re continuing our work to modernize how we manage government forms and other services. We’ve implemented a ticketing system this fall to manage forms requests and we’ll be adding more services in the coming months.

We’re also in the process of training staff and testing tools to determine which will be the best fit. The plan is to select and implement a tool this winter.

Find a government employee (Staff directory)

We re-launched this service this summer as planned. The branding is updated so it’s consistent with the rest of and we took this opportunity to enhance the service. For example, there are now visual cues so you can see where a person’s role exists in the context of the organization structure.

The data that displays in this directory relies on individual’s keeping their information up-to-date so we're also going to work on different ways to display it so people see the updated and correct information first. We're also working with our colleagues at the French Language Services Directorate and expect to launch it soon

Government of Yukon photography archive

The project team have migrated the existing photography archive to a cloud-based digital asset management system. We are just waiting on word from the team for when they plan to launch it.


MyYukon is the name of the government’s identity program. Our team have been working behind the scenes for a couple of years and we launched the initial piece last January. Since that time, we’ve changed the systems that make up the program. This has simplified the sign-in process for Yukoners and the onboarding process for staff.

We’re continuing to integrate additional services to MyYukon and there will be more changes coming in 2024.

Online Marketplace

The Online Marketplace is a new portal for suppliers who are selling to the Government of Yukon. The team expect to launch the marketplace mid-winter.

Student Financial Assistance

The new Student Financial Assistance portal went live in July, and has already been used by many students seeking funding opportunities. This new system makes it easier to apply for funding and to keep track of funding programs and applications. 

You'll find the link to this service on the MyYukon page.

Temporary Landlord Assistance Program online application

We recently collaborated with Economic Development to launch an online application for landlords to apply for this newly announced funding. The service is live and will remain available until the program’s deadline of February 29, 2024.


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