Your government What we're working on

What we're working on: spring 2020

This post is older than 6 months.
By sdbergqu
May 12, 2020

Spring is here and it’s time to take stock of our digital projects. This is our update from our last post in January.


Digital Standard

The Digital Standard is where we share our guidance and standards for digital service delivery. We’ve completed the discovery work and have a new plan to improve the site’s navigation. The team is working on writing content. We expect these changes will be live later this summer.

Elections Yukon website

Work on the new Elections Yukon website is underway and we expect to launch it this summer.

Yukon Legislative Assembly

This spring we’ve launched a new Hansard search on this website and closed out the old website. and related sites

We've completed Phase 6 development work on Improvements include:

  • better tools for campaigns and campaign-related content;
  • additions to existing pages to enable more variety in how we present information; and
  • updates to design and layout. This includes enhanced spacing and typography for increased readability.

We are now planning Phase 7 work.

Better to know

This website will provide youth with information about sexual health. We’re in the final rounds of testing. Once we complete this, we’ll be ready to launch this site.

Commissioner of Yukon

We launched the new Commissioner of Yukon website earlier this spring.

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

We're working on the final pieces of this website and expect it will be live later this spring.

Digital information and services blog

This is the blog you’re currently reading. We migrated it from beta and launched it over the winter. It has government branding, it’s bilingual and users can comment on blog posts.


We’re in our code review process and hope to migrate EngageYukon to over the summer.

Geomatics website

We migrated the Geomatics Yukon website to and closed out their old website. See mapping pages on

Sexualized assault response team

This website launched earlier this spring. It supports victims of sexualized assault by providing them with a safe and confidential network of services.

Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health

We planned to build a new website last fiscal, but in light of COVID-19, we had to pause this project. We removed the old website so people would only go to for COVID-19 updates. We expect to revisit this project some time this fiscal year.

Yukon Courts

We’re working to migrate the Yukon Courts website to the eServices platform. This past winter we worked on the website design and development. We’ll continue working on it over the summer plan to launch it in August.

Citizen engagement

We’re looking for a new citizen engagement platform to improve citizens’ abilities to engage with the government. This summer we’ll be issuing a tender to buy a standard engagement platform.

Open data

The open data website is where we house the government’s public datasets. So far this spring we added 210 new datasets containing 10,630 new resource files. We’ll make improvements considering feedback from government staff and the public.

Online services

We’re working with departments to deliver the following online services (listed alphabetically).

3rd party rentals

This online service is for vendors to take part in the annual tender for construction heavy equipment rentals. We launched this service last February. It was available during the intake period, from February 26 to March 26, 2020.

Class 1 minerals modernization

This service has been live since May 2017. We’re working on ongoing usability improvements and feature enhancements considering user feedback. Phase 4 of these improvements will launch over the next couple of months.

COVID-19 related services

We launched the following COVID-19 services this spring.

Apply for the Paid Sick Leave Rebate as an employer

This is a service for employers to apply for a rebate if they’re paying for employees to take time off work due to COVID-19. We’re working to update the service with fixes and features and finalizing the French translation. See this service.

Apply for the Paid Sick Leave Rebate as a self-employed person

This is a service for self-employed people to apply for a rebate if they need to take time off work due to COVID-19. We’re working to update the service with fixes and features and finalizing the French translation. See this service.

Apply for business support for cancelled events

This is a service for citizens to apply for funding if their business suffered irretrievable losses as a result of cancelled events due to COVID-19. See this service.

Apply for support from the Yukon Business Relief Program

Citizens will be able to use this service to apply for funding if their business has experienced significantly reduced revenues due to COVID-19 and they can’t make rent or lease payments, or pay utilities and business insurance. We expect to launch this service later this month.

Energy efficiency rebate service

This service will allow Yukoners to apply for an energy efficiency rebate online. We’ve selected a vendor and we’re working through the vendor’s on-boarding process.

Improve online access to all government services

We’re looking at options to streamline the process for citizens to sign into our online services. This spring we expect to work with the successful vendor and start stakeholder engagement.

Legislative drafting and publishing

This service will replace the legislation section of our old website. We’re currently working with a vendor to build it.

Liquor licensing, inspections and permitting

This will be an online service for users and facilities where liquor is served or sold. They'll be able to apply for liquor licences. The government will be able to approve, issue and enforce licences. We’ve selected a vendor and begun work on this project.

Proactive disclosure

The new ATIPP Act comes into effect this May. We’re looking at options to publish the government’s open information online. We completed service design and strategy workshops. Phase 1 will launch this summer.

Professional and regulatory licensing system

Users will be able to apply for licences or view a list of licensed Yukon professionals. We’ll be evaluating RFQ proposals and we’ll have a vendor in place this summer.

Student financial assistance

Students will use this service to apply for financial assistance and government staff to approve and issue funding. We’ve completed discovery and part of alpha and planning out next steps.  

Turn in Poachers and Polluters

This service will allow the public to report poaching and polluting activities. We’re completing a Security Threat Risk Assessment (STRA) and plan to launch this service soon.

YuDriv system replacement

The government’s Transport Services Branch, City of Whitehorse Bylaw and the RCMP use multiple systems to do things like issue parking tickets or look up licence plate information. This system will replace all of these. This is a 3-year project and we expect the public-facing web component to be live in 2021.

YukonBids – eProcurement

This procurement system will provide users with improved online tools to streamline the tendering process. We plan on releasing phase 1 of this project this summer.

Yukon driving mobile app

The public will be able to use this app to learn about Yukon features and amenities along our roads. We’re working on completing the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and will then look at launching the app.

Yukon lobbyist registry

Lobbyists will publish their lobbying activities using this service. The public will be able to see who is lobbying the government and on what topic. We expect this service to be ready to launch this summer. Email if you’re interested in participating in a usability test for this service.


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