Learn about motorcycle safety

Motorcycle riders are vulnerable road users. Car and truck drivers need to help keep motorcycle riders safe on the road.

Vehicle drivers help keep motorcycle riders safe

When you drive an enclosed motor vehicle, you need to take greater care and help protect the safety of all road users. Motorcyclists are very exposed on their motorbikes, and at a higher risk of injury.

When driving, remember to:

  • check your blind spots with a proper shoulder check before leaving your lane;
  • make sure you do not drive while distracted; and
  • always use your turn signals, and use them properly.

You can find the definition of a proper shoulder check in the Yukon Driver's Basic Handbook.

Give motorcycles space:

  • do not cut them off;
  • follow them at a safe distance; and
  • do not crowd motorcycles when passing.

Road hazards

Remember that a motorcycle may not be able to navigate over a road hazard the same way a motor vehicle would. Make sure you give a motorcyclist enough room to avoid road hazards. A rider may need to react fast and use the whole lane to avoid a potential obstacle in the road.

Tips every rider should know

Make sure you gear up


  • a legal and approved helmet;
  • appropriate eye protection;
  • clothing that'll protect you from road rash and other injuries; and
  • appropriate footwear.

Stay in your safe zone:

  • know your driving capabilities and your motorcycle’s limitations;
  • do not outdrive your abilities just to keep up with someone else or look cool;
  • make sure you're comfortable handling your motorcycle; and
  • make sure your motorcycle fits you.

Check your motorcycle fit:

  • The motorcycle should not be too heavy – can you pick it up if it falls over?
  • Do your feet rest flat on the ground when you’re seated?
  • Can you comfortably and easily reach the handlebars?
  • Can you get on and off the motorcycle with ease?

Inspect your ride

Always check your:

  • tire pressure;
  • mirrors;
  • gas and fluids levels;
  • lights; and
  • motorcycle for anything that’s out of place or in a state of disrepair.

Use your head:

  • Make sure you have your licence, registration and insurance on you each time you ride.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and the vehicles or road users beside or approaching you.
  • Use your mirrors, but do not rely only on your mirrors.
  • Make sure to do shoulder checks.
  • Know the weather and road conditions.
  • Watch out for potential road hazards.

Know your space:

If you're taking passengers on your motorcycle

  • Make sure you're comfortable and able to  manoeuvre your motorcycle properly with a passenger on it.
  • Confirm your passenger is wearing the appropriate clothing and safety equipment.

If you’re riding with other motorcycles

Ensure there's enough space between you and other motorcycles to ride and move safely.

When you're riding

Make sure you know your position in your lane. It’s your responsibility to ride safe and be aware of what’s happening on the road around you.

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